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11 months later

I was sitting at the front desk when I got a text from Trevante or Mr. Rhodes telling me to come here.

I got up and smiled. I walked towards his office and once I was in, he told me to shut the door and lock it.

I did just that and as I was turning around, I felt him behind me. He grabbed my ponytail, forcing my head back. He started sucking on my neck as I let out soft , low moans.

He turned me around towards him and pulled his dick out.

"Suck this dick" he said lowly in a sexy tone.

I got on my knees and did just that. Trevante and I have been doing this for about 4 months now and He absolutely drove me crazy , I was addicted.

He stared into my eyes and bit his bottom lip with this sexy mug on his face as I nod my head slowly on his dick head.

He smiled with those perfect pearly whites  and then pulled me up into a kiss.

Someone knocked on the door.
He hurriedly pulled his pants up as I straightened myself then sat in the chair infront of his desk.

He opened the door and it was Daisy. I rolled my eyes and smirked. She wanted this man soo bad , that she would do anything to get his attention. She knows that he wants me and been wanting me since before he stepped foot in this office.

"Yes Ms. Santos"? He questioned. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"So I have a patient right now who's parent wants to speak with you."

"Ok give me a minute. I'm in a brief meeting with Ms. Greene right now."

"But she wants to talk to you right now"  she said.

"Give me one moment" he said while looking at me.

They both left out and came back about 20 minutes later .

"Alright so I'm going to write her a referral so I need you to tell her that the prescription will be ready at the Walgreens on Hoover Rd. Within two hours" Trevante said a few minutes before handing her the slip.

"Ok. Will do Mr. Rhodes" . She said while smiling and cutting her eyes at him.. he just nods at her and then smile as she walked out.

"Shut the door and lock it." He said to me. I got up and did just that.

"Come here and Take them scrubs off" he said while staring at me. I walked over to him sitting back in his chair and started taking my clothes off getting completely naked. He just looked at me and then grabbed my butt. He stood up and pulled his pants down. He picked me up and then shoved himself inside of me. He started thrusting and pounding me like he was taking all of his anger out on me. I closed my Eyes and bit my lip trying so hard not to scream.

"Mm-mm. Open them eyes and look at me" he said before licking his lips. I looked into his eyes as he did slow strokes , going deeper with every stroke.

He always wanted to look me in my eyes while he was inside of me. That right there made me wetter everytime. I've never had a guy that wants to look me in the eyes the wholeeeee time while inside of me and eating my pussy. This man was sooo sexy and had the perfect body. Chocolate skin and a smile to die for. Oh and he smelled so good.

After a while, he put me down and bent me over. Entering me from the back while he had both hands on My waist shoving himself inside me.

I couldn't help but moan and with every stroke I got a little louder.

"Shut up before I give you something to yell about" he said while going faster. "Throw that ass back" he said while pulling my ponytail. 

I did just that and 5 mins later, he quickly pulled out and turned me to face him. He put my hand on his dick and tongue kissed me while I stroked him until he nutted.

He let out low groans and ended the kiss.

"Damn" he said. He reached down in his drawer and handed me a towel. He grabbed some wipes and cleaned him self up.

"Great now my legs are shaking" I said while putting my scrubs back on.

"Good" he chuckled. "You busy tonight"?

"Why"? I asked.

"You know why. I've been trying to take you out for about 2 months now." I looked at him not saying anything. "Y'all back together"? He asked.

"Kind of ". I said instantly feeling guilty but then realized that Lo didn't care about me when he was talking to other females.

Trevante shook his head and looked at me.

"Alright. You know what to do when you ready" he said while holding up his phone.

I smirked and walked out after fixing myself up.

Once my shift was over, I drive home in silence while grinning just thinking about what Trevante did to me.
I wanted to go out with him but I had Lo.  6 months ago, I went through his phone and found out that he was talking to other people. He got some girl pregnant but he convinced her to get an abortion. I didn't talk to him for 5 months straight . I was so heartbroken and he did everything in his power to try and win me back.
Within those months of us not talking, I was trying to do whatever I could to get over him. Sounds hoe-ish but I was only messing around with Trevante. I never planned on getting back with Lorenzo but he slowly started to pull me back in. I still don't trust him so Ive just been doing my own thing with Trevante. I wanted to stop but I can't... it's just so hard.

I unlocked my door and put my phone on DND then went straight to the shower .

Lorenzo came in and started undressing. He got in with me and I looked away and rolled my eyes.

"Not tonight. Lo, I'm tired" truth is. I was and it's because Trevante wore me out.

"Well when Brittney? It's been months since we had sex. I got needs too"

"So what ? You gonna go fuck that girl again"?

"No" he sighed. "I'm just saying. I'm tired of jacking my dick"

"Well you should've thought about that before getting her pregnant and lying to me. I'm just not ready, ok"?

"You seeing someone else? Be honest."

"No" I mean I wasn't seeing anyone , just casually getting pounded in his office.

He sighed and got out.

Shortly after, I got out and got ready for bed.

He scooted behind me , threw his arm around my waist and told me he loved me.

"Yeah, I love you too" I said. I did love him, just wasn't really in love anymore.

10 minutes later, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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