Spending Time

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I woke up to the smell of food with no Wayne beside me.

I got up, did my morning duties then went to kitchen.

"What are you doing in my kitchen"? I chuckled while looking at Wayne with my apron on, making eggs.

"Finishing up this breakfast" he said.

"Since when you cook Dwayne" ?

"I been cooking. Stop acting like I've never cooked for you before"

"Ummm yes but not no breakfast" I chuckled and sat at the bar watching him finish.

"You got plans today"?  He asked.

"Nope. You leaving today? " I asked.

"You want me to go"? He asked.

"Yes" . I said which made him give me a funny look that made me burst into laughter.

"After I gave you dick and now I'm making breakfast, you still want me gone"? He questioned.

"I thought you was going to give me time"?

"I was but I thought you was gon change your mind after this food" he laughed.

"Ok well you can stay one more night if you're not busy" I laughed.

"I was but the shit getting canceled now. I gotta cherish this moment" he said while causing me to roll my eyes.

"Don't lose money because of me" I said.

"I make money in my sleep. You know who I am? This not even on some bragging shit, but it's the truth. That show ain't stopping nothing. I don't want to disappoint my fans but you come first"

"Please shut up" I said while rolling my eyes again. "I see you found the boxers I stole from you"

"Yeah I knew you had something of mines here" he laughed.

He sat my plate in front of me and it looked so good. I bit into my pancake and almost fell out from how good it was.

Wayne looked at me while I ate.

"Damn can you make your plate and stop staring at me eat"? I said making him laugh.

"No. I can look at you all I want. Is it good"?

"Nope nasty as hell" I said laughing.

"Well why you tearing it up then"? He questioned.

"Same reason you asked me and you see me tearing it up"

"I got something for you and your smart ass mouth" he said while lightly popping me in my mouth.

He made his plate then sat beside me.

We both ate and talked. Afterwards , I decided to clean the kitchen since he cooked.

"Can I smoke in here"?

"No go to the balcony"  I said while finishing up.

"Aight. Can you come out there with me"?

"Yeah I guess"

10 mins later, he went outside and I followed him. We sat in the chairs that were on my balcony.

I watched him roll up and shook my head.

"What"? He chuckled.

"Nothing. It looks so complicated."

"It was at first but it's second nature to me now" he said. "You want to hit it"?

"Ummmm.. yeah I guess.

"Aight. What you doing for your birthday" ?

"Going to Jamaica with my girls"

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