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"I thought you said Avielle had a honey shed, Hadley. This place is huge!"

"I know. Well, that's what Avielle calls it. It's more like a LennardLeonardoBuilding hyped up on steroids."

"Oh, look!" said Beanie. "A dog!"

"That's Hilda," said Hadley. "You go play with her if you want. She's really nice. And she probably would just love a good romp with an old Bean."

"Old? Who are you calling old?"

Hadley smiled as she watched her old friend making a new friend with Hilda.

She walked up to the open door of the Honey Shed.

"I don't care what you promised, Avielle," Reese said. "A new car is out of the question. Barry's just going to have to make do with a new shirt."

"A new shirt! Reese! It's his sixteenth birthday. Kirk got . . ."

"I know exactly what kind of car Kirk got for his birthday. That's why I work my butt off. I write the checks, remember?" Reese said. "Just do what I say, Avielle. You know I'm under enough pressure as it is and . . ."

"Oh, Hadley! We didn't hear you come up," said Avielle.

"I hope I'm not interrupting . . ."

"Oh, no. Come on in. It was nothing," said Avielle.

"How are you, Hadley," said Reese. "I'm late for the office. See you tonight, Avielle."

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