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The morning of the annual bazaar and bake sale dawned sunny and beautiful.

"I like Saturdays," Beanie said, munching on a cookie.

"Beanie, I swear if you don't stop stealing cookies, I won't have a one to sell," Hadley said.

"I want to say I'm sorry, Hadley, but I'm not. Your cookies are so good."

"Thanks, Bean. But help me load these cakes into the car. And no more sneaking bites. Remember, Beanie, all we make today goes for a good cause. Just help me get this stuff loaded. I should have rented Brinkley's old truck. At this rate, I'll break an axle."

Main Street was filling up with card tables and tablecloths. Almost every lady in the church group had agreed to bake and bring their bounty.

"It looks like the circus is coming to town," Beanie observed.

"Good thing, too," said Hadley. "My freezer's full to the brim. There's not an inch of storage space left. I would have to crumble up all the leftovers and feed them to the birds if the turnout was low."

"Oh, you would not," Beanie said. "I'd gladly eat any crumb you throw my way. You're the best cook around."

"Thanks, old pal," said Hadley. "Now, let's get these cookies and pies and cakes set out. From what I've learned about these things, the briskest sales are before lunch."

Hadley and Beanie unloaded the car. Her card tables strained under the many baked goods she presented.

Rayna set her tables on one side of Hadley. Juanita Hide set up on the other side.

"Rayna, how are you?" Hadley asked.

"I'm good. You?"

"Fine," Hadley said.

"Richie, put those at the front," Rayna said. "They always go first. That's it."

"Oh, no," Hadley said.

"What is it?" Rayna asked.

"Juanita didn't take our suggestion. She's brought her casserole concoctions, just like always. I thought she was going to bring plants."

"Well," said Rayna, "change is hard. Maybe she couldn't bear to part with her plants. I know she's funny about her flowers."

"I wish she was funny about her casseroles, and she'd leave them at home."

"Shh," Rayna said. "She'll hear you, Hadley."

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