The Puppy Match Maker?

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Yoongi climbs atop the bus at the filming location and lays back, one arm over his head blocking the sun. He is thinking of his girlfriend and last night when they were able to grab some precious time alone.

He hears someone else climb up on the top of the bus. Taehyung lays down with the top of his head touching Yoongi's. He releases a sigh as he closes his eyes "You ok Hyung?"

Yoongi slightly moans from being disturbed. If it was anyone else, but it's Taehyung so it's really ok, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Taehyung says "I was worried when I saw you come up here and lay down. I didn't want you to get sunburned if you fell asleep. Maybe you should go inside the bus and lay down?"

 Yoongi makes a noncommittal sound.

"It's too warm to lay up here long. The roof of the bus is getting hot and I only just got here."

Yoongi knew he could talk to Tae so he says  "I'm thinking of Jiji." 

Tae covers his eyes with his arm, "When ever you talk about her lately you start to sound smushy." He hears Yoongi quickly give a small laugh. 

Tae asks "Are you feeling smushy hyung?"

"I'm not smushy at all right now Tae." 

They both lay there Tae thinking over what he just said Yoongi waiting for him to catch what he meant. Softly Yoongi is counting "One, two, three . . ." he hears an "Ohhh" of understanding from Tae and he laughs.

He sits up as he hears the camera crew and others coming back on set. He glances at his lap, "Damn." He looks at Tae who just sat up "Punch me." 

Surprised Tae asks "What?" 

Yoongi grabs his shirt and pulls him closer "Punch ME!"

Tae can tell he is getting upset so he draws back his fist to punch him when Yoongi looks back down "Never mind."

 But Tae had already released the punch and it hits Yoongi on the jaw. Grabbing his jaw he starts laughing.

Seeing that he is not mad at him Tae starts laughing too and says jokingly "What Suga wants, Suga gets" Yoongi laughs even harder. He and Tae climb down off the bus to get ready for filming.

Once they reach the ground Tae asks "Will you see her tonight?"

 Yoongi says "I hope so." He looks at Tae,  "By the way do you have any plans for tonight?" 

Tae shakes his head "Not at the moment." 

Yoongi says "Good." 

Not sure why he thought that was 'good' Tae asked "Why?"

Yoongi replies "Well, Jiji's best friend is flying in today and we planned on going out to dinner. I thought I would ask someone to come with us so her best friend wouldn't feel awkward."

 Tae says "Oh, so you want someone to go with you so the numbers are even." 

Yoongi smiles, "Yeah something like that, anyway I think you would be the perfect one to meet her. So do you want to come with us?"

Taehyung smiles his cute boxy smile, "Sure. I like Jiji. I'm sure I will like her best friend too."

 That is what Yoongi is counting on, that way he gets to spend more alone time with Jiji and he thinks you and Tae should get along great. You love stylish clothes, jazz and have a girl Pomeranian named Puffykins who was traveling with you.

 You love stylish clothes, jazz and have a girl Pomeranian named Puffykins who was traveling with you

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Quickly while on set Yoongi sends a text to Jiji letting her know he will be on time for tonight. She sends back a happy face emoji with many kissy face emojis. He grins as he puts his phone away.

 He thinks he has the perfect plan. Tae would keep you busy doing things and going places while here and he can spend alone time with Jiji. Just thinking about Jiji gets him all worked up. He adjusts his pants and pulls his shirt over and thinks to him self, 'Damn I want her'

He walks over to Jin taps him on the shoulder "Hug me" 

Surprised Jin says "What?" 

 "Just f**king hug me!" 

Jin hugs him quickly and Yoongi sighs "Good, thanks. That got rid of it fast." 

Jin confused asks "Got rid of what? What are you talking about?" 

Yoongi is already walking away and says "Nothing." 

Jin just shakes his head in bewilderment.

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