This Is Crazy!

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Later that week, as Yoongi is working on his laptop at the couch, Tae, Jimin, and Namjoon come into the living room. They all take a seat, just staring at him.

Frustrated, he says, "What!?" 

Tae says, "I know you just used me to keep Pen busy so you could have Jiji to yourself."

 Yoongi blushes and lowers his head.

Tae continues, "I just wanted to say thanks." 

Yoongi suddenly raises his head, confused, "What?" 

Tae smiles, "Because of your matchmaking, Pen is going to move to Korea, and she and Buffy, Tannie's girlfriend, are going to live with me."

Yoongi tries to shake the confusion from his head, "What? Tannie's girlfriend?" 

He says, "Yes, because of you, Tannie has found his soul mate."

Yoongi stands up, pacing, "This is crazy." 

Jimin says, "No, it's not. Because of your selfish reason for attempting matchmaking, Lana and I had some beautiful nights together—while it lasted." 

Yoongi asks, "Are you and Lana dating?" 

Jimin laughs, "No, just friends now, no benefits, just good friends."

Namjoon, slightly blushing while listening to Jimin, says, "I have to thank you as well. Because of you, Lana and I are dating, and she is moving to Korea to be with me. She has agreed to be my girlfriend." He smiles so happy that his dimples are clearly showing.

Yoongi is just standing there, dumbfounded. Here, he tried to keep Jiji's friends out of his hair so he could be with her, and it seems they all found love while he lost it.

Jin comes in, having overheard them, "Well, I, for one, won't be thanking you, Yoongi." 

The others look at a mad Jin as he continues, "Because of your match-making shenanigans, my foodie bestie is now mad at me. He found out I know Lana. He told me she was their huge rival and had beat them out of several restaurant awards."

He flails his arms around, gesturing because he is upset, "He called me a traitor for even having dinner with her!" Jin storms off angrily because now he will never get the recipe for his favorite dish.

J-Hope is walking by and sees them gathered in the living room right before Jin storms past him. He walks in and sits, thinking there is a meeting and that he must have forgotten about it. 

Yoongi suddenly turns to him and asks, "You want to thank me too!?"

 J-Hope, surprised by the tone of Yoongi's voice, says, "What, why would I do that?"

Yoongi laughs and sits back down. "Never mind." He runs his hand over his face, thinking, 'I'll never play matchmaker again.'

He misses Jiji. She hasn't talked to him since she left him standing on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. You and Lana won't speak to him about her when he asks.

Yoongi looks at the others, "Guys, I never meant for it . . . it's just that I. Shit. I'm sorry. I used you to have her to myself and my selfishness cost me Jiji.

Tae says, "I'm not happy about that, but I hope you can work things out." He looks at his watch, "Oh, I need to go. We're taking Buffy and Tannie shopping. See you guys later." They say bye as he heads out with a happy smile.

Jimin says, "He really is in love. I don't think Tannie is the only one to find his love soul mate." He watches his best friend leave with a lively step to his walk and thinks, 'Yup, he's in love.'

Jimin goes to Yoongi, puts his arm around him, and rests his head on Yoongi's shoulder, close enough to whisper in his ear, "She loves you. Go talk to her." 

Yoongi leans away from Jimin. "I tried to talk to her, but she won't answer her phone or reply to any of my texts."

Jimin stands with his hands on his hips and smartly says, "I said GO talk to her." Yoongi raises his eyebrows, realizing he hadn't thought of that. 

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