Girl Talk

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 Meanwhile Yoongi is on the phone with Jungkook, "Hey, Kooki can you and Jimin meet us?" 

 "I guess so why?" 

Yoongi says "I want to spend some time tonight with Jiji and I can't do that with her bestie around. I know you guys like doing karaoke, could you meet us here and make the suggestion that we all go do karaoke?"

 He hears Jungkook talking to someone in the background then he speaks on the phone

 "Yeah, sure we would love too." 

Yoongi says "Thanks, I will see you soon right?"

 He hears Jimin say "As soon as we can." 

Yoongi ends the call and goes back to the table grinning. He looks at Jiji  thinking of what they can do while alone later. He has to hurry and sit before anyone notices before he puts his napkin across his lap. He quickly looks around thinking 'Good no one noticed. Damn this girl is driving me crazy.'

He leans over to Jiji "Sorry that took so long." and he slowly inhales her perfume and closes his eyes for a few seconds glad for the napkin in his lap.

She smiles at him as the waiter brings her another glass. "It's ok, work is work." 

He smiles glad she made up an excuse for him on her own.

They sit at the table chatting and you and Jiji notice that Yoongi keeps looking at the door. You stand up and say "Could you excuse us, ladies room you know." and you grab Jiji's hand as you get up from your chair.

You enter the ladies room and stop Jiji. "What is going on?" 

 "What do you mean?"

You sigh out of frustration "Haven't you noticed that Yoongi is constantly looking at the door like he is expecting someone and who was he talking to on the phone?"

Jiji thinks then says "Yeah, I just don't understand him tonight." She gives you a hug and quick kiss on the cheek "I'm so sorry he is acting so weird."

 "And all through dinner he kept coming up with ideas for things Tae and I could do. Not once any thing the four of us could do. I feel almost like he doesn't want me here."

She looks up at you in surprise "Oh no, no that isn't it at all." She frowns thinking then says "At least I don't think he would do that."

You sigh and tell her "I'm sure he wouldn't either. It just seems odd is all." 

Jiji hiccups "Opps gotta pee" and she enters a stall and closes the door. 

You laugh "Are you going to be ok?"

 She laughs "Yes of course." a couple of minutes later you hear the toilet flush and she comes out to wash her hands. She says as she is drying them "Oh I almost forgot to tell you, Lana is coming this weekend."

 "You're not kidding are you!?" 

"No, she called me this morning but I forgot to tell you what with Yoongi being so weird."

You are so excited. "Oh we are going to have so much fun together, she is staying with you too right?"

 She smiles just as excited as you are. "Yes, I was thinking we have a slumber party like in the old days but only with adult beverages." You both burst out laughing.

 You haven't see her in a couple of years. The three of you grew up in the same neighborhood and were the closest of friends. You were known by the nickname in your home town as the Three Musketeers.

You always stood up for each other and defended each other when needed. No closer bond could three have without actually being blood sisters.

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