I Just Can't Win!

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He thought his plan to be free of you was working out great. Though Jiji was upset with him she quickly forgave him after the night ... and morning he gave her.

He grins remembering last night then just as quickly as the grin appeared it disappeared.  Yoongi knew another friend of Jiji's, Lana, was coming. He looks at his watch, you and Jiji should be picking her up about now from the airport.

Thinking to him self 'I just can't win,'  he heaves a loud sigh of frustration.  He starts to think of a plan to get one of the others to take an interest in Lana and hopefully keep her busy.

He sighs again and Namjoon hears it and looks up from his book.

 "Is something wrong Yoongi?"

 he sighs again loudly and says "I want time alone with Jiji and now, not only is one friend here but their other friend Lana is here. They should be picking her up now." He looks at his watch again.

Namjoon knows what the problem is, as far as Yoongi sees it, but he ask any way, "So what's the problem?" 

Yoongi stands frustrated running his hands through his hair, "THEY are the problem. Now with both of them here I will never get any time alone with her!"

Namjoon closes his book after placing the bookmark and stifles a laugh. "What are you going to do about it?" 

Yoongi thinks then says "I convinced one to stay at a hotel  and for Taehyung to keep her busy. Maybe  I can get Lana to stay with her at the hotel too."

Namjoon frowns, "You are using Tae like that? Does he know that was why you introduced him to her?"

 Yoongi's shoulders slump in regret, "No I don't think he does but it's not like that. I'm not using him. I just thought those two would hit if off and stay busy doing stuff."

He stands up and walks over to Namjoon, "Don't you tell him. Maybe they will get along great." 

Namjoon says "So who are you going to use to keep Lana "busy" as you call it?" 

Yoongi looks at him with the  corner of his mouth turning up. Namjoon puts up a hand, "Oh no. No way. Not me."

Namjoon grimaces, "You are playing with fire Yoongi. Don't get burned." He walks out of the room leaving Yoongi to think.

Yoongi knows what he wants and what he wants he gets and he wants Jiji. Jin walks in carrying a bowl of noodles. He looks up, "Hi Yoongs."

 Distracted by his thought of Jiji and her soft warm body he mumbles "Hi." Then before Jin can settle in his favorite chair to eat, Yoongi suddenly gets a great idea. 

"Do you have any plans for tonight?"

Jin looks up at him, "Not really. Mostly just playing video games. Why do you ask?" 

Yoongi knew through Jiji that Lana owns her own restaurants and loves to cook. So he thinks who better to get to occupy her time than Jin. He thinks to him self  'I come up with some great idea sometimes, well, most times' and he grins.

"Would you like to join a few of us for dinner tonight? I'll introduce you to Lana." 

Jin has sat his bowl down smiling at Yoongi. "Sure I would love to meet her. Anything to get out and sample someone else's cooking." 

Jin has been wanting to try some new dishes but he is having what he calls 'chefs block' like writers who get 'writers block'. He thinks his pun is rather ingenious of him if he does say so him self.

Namjoon is coming through the living room and hears Yoongi trying to set up another match. He shakes his head in concern hoping none of this backfires on Yoongi.

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