I've Had Enough Of His Match Making

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Jiji says, "I've had enough of this matchmaking that Yoongi thinks he is doing. I know he is doing it to keep me to himself, but it's not right."

Lana asks, "What are we going to do?" 

You say instead, "What are YOU going to do, Jiji? You know we always stick together. We will back you in whatever you decide." 

Lana smiles mischievously, "We've got your back, but first, tell me more about Jimin." Jiji laughs and you both tell Lana about Jimin.

When you return to the table, Lana, having had enough of Jin's bickering, sits beside Jimin on the other side of the table. Jin is happy because now he can eat what he considers the perfect dish in peace. Jimin is smiling as he stands to hold her chair for her.

One look at Yoongi, and you can tell he is sulking. He sounds slightly upset with Jin, but you ignore him.

Taehyung and you are laughing and sharing plans for the day at the dog park. He says, "There is a little mom-and-pop café near the dog park. If you want, we can stop there for lunch." 

You smile, "That's a lovely idea, Tae, but what about Tannie and Buffy?"

He smiles that beautiful boxy smile at you. "They're a dog-friendly eatery. Being so close to the dog park, they do great business."

You are so happy to hear that. "I think that is awesome. I can't wait to go." He takes your hands and asks, "After dinner, we can pick up Buffy and go to my place so she can meet Tannie."

 You shyly smile. "I'd like that." You feel your cheeks start to heat up and know you are blushing.

After dessert, Lana and Jimin stand. Jimin says, "Lana and I are going for a walk around town." Lana has come to you to hug you goodnight. "I'll see you at the hotel. Thanks for the extra key." You hug her back and whisper, "Goodnight, have fun." You wink at her. She grins as she goes to hug Jiji, too.

Lana and Jimin end up back at his place. You get a text from her, 

Lana - Pen, OMG, he is gorgeous.

Pen - I told you

Lana - wait, you've seen him naked too!?

Pen - OMG, no lol

Lana - I'll see you in the morning

Pen- oh?

Lana - I'm staying the night with Jimin

 Pen - Watch your heart

Pen - He isn't looking for a lasting relationship

Lana - Then we are perfect because neither am I

Pen - LOL

Pen - I think if I hadn't met Tae first, I would have fallen easily for Jimin

Lana - he's mine now *heart smiley face*

pen - lol have fun *wink*

After dinner, you and Tae stand, and he says, "We're going to get Buffy and take her to my place so Tannie can get to know her before we go to the dog park tomorrow." You hold his arm, smiling at Jiji.

 You brush the side of your cheek with two fingers as if you have an itch, and Jiji knows that is the signal to 'don't wait up.' Her eyes sparkle as she smiles at you.

Since Lana and Jimin left, followed not long after by you and Tae, Jin stands to leave. "Thank you for dinner, Yoongi. You still got the check, right? I tried to ask her out, but she doesn't have a clue about cooking, and it would have been a miserable date for us both."

Even though Jiji is mad at Yoongi, she giggles and thinks, 'If Jin only knew all her restaurants were five-star rated and several of her dishes had been showcased in food magazines worldwide.'

Yoongi glared at Jin, trying to make him shut up. Jin didn't notice as he put on his jacket, saying, "She's cute, but I think you must find someone else to keep her busy. Maybe ask Hobi?"

Jin stops and thinks for a few seconds: "If Hobi is busy, then there is always Jungkooki, but he's not feeling well, and I need to go home to check on him. So I don't know anyone else you could pawn her off on." Jin walks away with a hint of aggravation in his voice and on his face.

 Yoongi is speechless. Jin knows what he is trying to do! Jiji has her phone out and makes a quick text.

On his way out Jin grins and silently thanks Namjoon for filling him in on what Yoongi was trying to do. He thinks, 'Lana is a fine catch, but I'm not fishing today. I have to break this chef's block.'

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