It's Buffy, Not Puffy

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The plane was late arriving, so you and Jiji decided to drop Buffykins off at her place, do a quick shower, and change clothes. You would leave the rest of your luggage in her car so you wouldn't be too late meeting up with Yoongi. 

Your little Buffy was so jet-lagged that she was sleeping deeply in her special Gucci bed. She never even heard the knock on the door.

Jiji's opens it to see Yoongi and Tae. Yoongi says, "You were late, so we thought we'd come to see what was holding you up." 

You and Jiji were putting on jackets and about to head to her car when they showed up.

 She says, "You could have called." She looks at Tae and gives him a little wave. 

Yoongi says, "So, could you to tell you were running late. 

Jiji frowns, wondering what is happening; Yoongi usually isn't like this to her.

Yoongi goes up to Jiji, takes her hands in his, gives her a quick kiss, and then goes to you. He has taken you by the hand and practically dragged you to Tae.

Surprised, you look back at Jiji, and she shrugs her shoulders, not understanding Yoongi's behavior tonight.

He reaches Tae with you in tow. "This is Taehyung, Taehyung this is Jiji's bff." 

He lets go of your hand and, hoping to get you two off on a good start, says, "She has a pom named Puffykins." he turns and walks away.

Embarrassed at being dragged over to Taehyung like you were, you lowered your head because you could feel your face blushing. 

Tae leans down so he can look up at you and smiles "Hi, it's nice to meet you. You can call me Tae."

Tae starts to reach out his hand to gently tilt your face up when Yoongi forces his jacket into his hand instead. In shock at his behavior, you are speechless. 

Yoongi opens the door, says, "OK, let's go," and gestures for everyone to head to the car.

Jiji can't believe how rude he is acting, so when he reaches for her hand to pull her out the door, she moves her hand out of his reach to the back of her neck. "Ouch, I think my hair is caught in my zipper."

 Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Do you want me to get it?" 

She says, "No. You and Tae get the car." 

You say, "I'll help her." 

He quickly agrees, and now she knows Yoongi is rushing them, for he would never miss a chance to unzip her dress. She shakes her head.

Jiji had decided to make Yoongi wait. She had no idea why he was acting like this and wasn't aware he was bringing anyone with him. 

You step behind Jiji and reach for her hair to move it so you can see how it is caught.

 The door closes as Yoongi and Tae have gone out. Jiji starts laughing. "Stop, my hair isn't caught." Thinking her hair has become unstuck, you step toward the door. 

She is still laughing when she touches your shoulder and says, "Come on, let's sit on the couch for a few minutes."

You're confused. "What? But they're waiting on us." 

She grins. "That's the point." 

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