Lana Arrives

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That Thursday you ride with Jiji to pick Lana up at the airport.  You're happy to be together.  You group hug and jump and laugh together.

On the way to Jiji's you ask Lana "Did you book a hotel room?"

 She looks at you like you are crazy "Of course not silly. Aren't we staying with Jiji?"

 You smile "That's what I thought too." Then you look meekly at Jiji. 

She says "I have no idea what got into Yoongi's head that night thinking you would stay at a hotel." 

 "I did get a hotel room. They were nice enough to take me there."  

Jiji is surprised and upset. "You should've called me, I would have come and got you! I thought he was kidding." 

You say "I could tell he was not."

 Lost in her own world Lana is giddy with excitement, "Who is "they"? Are they cute and single?" 

You laugh at her, "Lana you are forever looking for a hook up." 

She smirks at you "Well it's a lot easier to find a hook up than love."

Jiji says, "You aren't going back to the hotel are you? You booked one night right?" 

You sigh, "I've booked the hotel room for the rest of my vacation. So, I will take Buffy and all my things." 

She gasps "But why?" 

You shrug your shoulders, "I just figured with Yoongi not wanting me around it was for the best."

 Jiji starts to say something when Lana says, "So they took you to the hotel, tell the rest. What happened?" 

 You think to yourself 'Lana and her one track mind.' 

You laugh at her enthusiasm but you are about to disappoint her, "They went so far as to walk me to my room door. Jimin even whispered to me that he would come back later and stay with me if I didn't feel safe being alone. Then they told me goodnight and left." 

You didn't tell them that Tae had actually stayed till very late just talking about Buffy and Tannie, music, travel, places you have been and places you would like to go and fashion.

 It was like neither of you wanted the day to end. But finally he noticed you yawn and started yawning too. He said he understood jet lag all to well and gave you a kiss on the cheek when he left.

Jiji runs a hand over her face, "Oh cute sexy Jimin, ever the flirt." 

Lana asks, "Jimin? Will I be meeting him while I'm here? He sounds wonderful." She places her hands on the side of her face and gets a dreamy look and sighs. 

You and Jiji both laugh. Jiji says "I think you're a bigger flirt than Jimin."

You reach Jiji's and as soon as the door was opened you were doggie love attacked. Laughing you got down on you knees loving Buffy back. Lana joins you on the floor and Buffy is jumping, and yipping and doggie kissing you both so happy to see you.

Suddenly it seemed like her brain caught up and  Lana says to you, "Wait a minute, I thought we were both staying here with Jiji." 

Then she turns to Jiji in shock, "You let him kick her out!" 

Jiji says "No, it's not like that." 

Lana and you both look at her and you say "Then what was it? You never did text me last night." 

Jiji blushes "Oh um." she pauses and sits on the couch. "I thought he was joking about you staying at a hotel and I asked him about it on the way home." 

 She sighs, "He told me he wasn't joking and he hoped you would stay at the hotel the whole time you were here. I was more than angry with him." 

You say  "You should have been. We planned this weeks ago! My vacation wasn't to be spending it at a hotel. I flew all the way out here to Seoul to be with you. That's a 16 hour flight by the way. Buffy loves your place and she is comfortable here. You know she hates hotels."

 You stand hands on your hips upset, "I didn't want to stay at a hotel and what about Lana? Will you let him kick her out of your house too!?"

Lana reaches up from the couch and pulls on your sleeve "If it's a matter of money..." You roll your eyes.

 "It's not about money, I could have bought the hotel I stayed at last night if I wanted too."

 Lana sits back grinning, "Oh yeah, I forgot."

 You laugh  as your anger is deflated by the sweet nature of Lana and sit beside her, "How could you forget?" 

You start to laugh "We stay at the best hotels in Paris, London and Milan during fashion week and they were mine and Buffy loves staying at them."  

Lana laughs, "It's good having friends in high places." 

Then Lana suddenly jumps tracks and looks at Jiji "So did you and Yoongi have an argument? Did you put your foot down and tell him she stays? What happened?" 

Jiji blushes her face turning really red. She stammers, "Uh, um you see he . . um I mean we . ."

You cut her off, "No, oh Jiji you didn't give in!?"

 Lana smiles and winks at her, "Was it that good?" 

Jiji nods as her face flushes a deep red.

 You playfully pout, "It must have been if you abandoned your dearest friend for a night of sex." 

Jiji says in a soft voice "And morning." 

Lana laughs, "Oh my god I can't wait to meet the man who has you so wrapped." 

You three lean into each other laughing.

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