Chapter 1 ❥

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The sun blazingly shined through my bedroom window today was the first day playing at arsenal wfc I previously played for the women's Barcelona team but I was looking forward to this new opportunity , i opened my eyes and stared at the flowy net curtains lightly covering my window shielding the blazing sun,

I sat up leaning against my headboard and grabbed my phone to check the time 10:00

"SHIT" i yelled frantically getting out of bed , I started at 10:45 and it was a half an hour drive

I quickly ran into the bathroom to have a very quick shower, brush my teeth and do my hair.


I ran down the stairs putting on my shoes as quick as I could and grabbing a coat just in case the temperamental London weather changed at any point

I left my apartment and slid into my car ready to probably blow the speed limit


I arrived at the training ground at 10:43 definitely having broken a speeding limit,

I climbed out of my car walking into the training grounds haven already been briefed on were to go and were I'm supposed be and given a little map/layout and was told on my first day I was going to have a short meeting with the team manager Jonás but I wasn't prepared for how massive the grounds were

"Were is this room" i whispered to myself as i walked down the seemingly never ending hallway till i stumbled upon the room labelled the same as it said on the map

I put the map in my coat pocket before I opened the door and walked in and was immidetley hit with the smell of vanilla and slight undertones of mint the room was big with a few big windows letting in some Natural light and a man who I presumed to be Jonás sitting at the long table in the middle of the room

I sat down across from him with a small smile on my face which he returned and truly I was just happy to have gotten this transfer I loved playing at Barca don't get me wrong but i missed London to much I grew up here but I got bored of it having previously played for Manchester United for a for two years and I just needed a change and when my contract was coming to an end and a re-evaluation was called for I got a surprise offer from Barca and my mind was made up Spain was the perfect solution I made lifelong friendships there and It saddened me to leave Spain but I was to homesick and London was were I needed to be

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a Jonás talk

"So Arabella as u know this meeting is just to breeze over some things about the contract u signed, ur contract with arsenal is a 1 year contract obviously at the end of this contract you will be re-evaluated to see if we want to prolong this stay at arsenal and that's if with other offers from other clubs u choose to stay with arsenal " he said calmly and knowingly

"Yes I understand that" I said never loosing my smile

"Ok well that concludes this small meeting, I believe u will like it here the girls are all excited to meet you, I'll walk u to the locker room there all In there" he said with a smile on his face

We both stood so I picked up my bag and followed behind him


We shortly got to the locker room I could here the loud voices of the people behind the door and all at once the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks so I took a deep breath and watched as Jonás opened the door for me as I walked through it

"Girls this is presumably as you all know Arabella Lindsey I except u to welcome her well" I heard Jonás say before putting a comforting hand on my shoulder before leaving the room

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now