Chapter 16 ❥

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It had been a few weeks since mine and Leah's first proper date, the team had speculated and speculated about us being in a relationship but we never confirmed or denied, only Katie, Beth, Jen and viv really knew I'm pretty sure that Leah told Rafa seeing as there really good friends but i didn't really mind

But I had bigger things to think about Today was the day of the match against Chelsea, I was currently sat in my kitchen with the strongest coffee I could make thinking about the match, this is my first final on a different team and I didn't want to lose I had something to prove

I was deep in thought when I heard a ping on my phone, it was a text from Leah

'Just reminding u to not be late for the bus I want to get first dibs on seats xx'

I giggled at the text from the blonde, I checked the time to see it was 9:30 the match was at 12:45 but the bus left at 10:25 so I finished the last of my coffee and decided to head out


I arrived at the grounds, pulled up and parked I sat in my car for a second and took a few Deep breaths, I had struggled with anxiety for a while it wasn't social anxiety I had always been a extroverted and was comfortable in social situations but I would always be cautious of what people thought about me and if I was leaving a good impression I had a tendency to overthink

I left my car and started to walk towards the bus and got on and saw Leah 4 rows down

I walked down and sat next to her

"This is the seat you were so eager to sit at" I laughed

"Yea it's not too close to front and not too close to the back" she said as if it was completely obvious

"Your actually hilarious" I said still laughing

"What I'm being serious" she said leaning back into her seat pretending that I hurt her feelings

"Oh come on your not actually upset about that"

"No you've hurt my feelings" she said turning away from me

"Leah come on really" I said still amused but I got no reply

I looked Leah and was still laughing at the girls antics it was obvious the girl was joking but I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. the silent treatment

Katie had got on the bus we were only awaiting 2 or 3 other girls but instead of talking to Leah to pass the time I talked to Katie, I leaned forward in my seat to talk to the girl sat in front

Me and Katie were deep in conversation but all I could focus on was the feeling of the blondes eyes burning into me

"What's her problem" Katie no-filter McCabe said shifting her focus with an amused look on her face

I turned my head to look at Leah she was looking directly at me with a less than amused look on her face, i chuckled slightly at the face of the girl before looking back at Katie, I put my hand to cover the side of my mouth and mouthed 'silent treatment'

Katie did the same and mouthed 'why', I thought for a minute on a good reason on why me and Leah were both giving each other silent treatment I shrugged at Katie and Katie whispered "did u too have an argument"

I shook my head quickly and whispered back "it's just jokes she was upset that I made fun of the fact that she wanted to sit somewhere specific and she pretend that I hurt her feelings so she stopped speaking so I'm giving her silent treatment "

Katie sniggered at what I said "you two are both ridiculous"

"What don't act like you've never given ruesha silent treatment"

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now