Chapter 17 ❥

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I know this is out super late but I had no
Idea what to write 😭
Following my injury my mum was one of my biggest helps even tho I had told her many times that the injury's weren't even that bad she still came round to my apartment the day I got back to make sure I was ok and that I had everything I needed

For a long time my mum hated the fact I played football she thought it was too rough and because of that whenever I had a match she wouldn't come watch because she didn't want to see me get hurt or possibly hurt anyone else which I understood but sometimes I longed for the support of my family at a match,

Currently I was sat in my apartment it had been 2 days after the match and my mom had left my apartment a short while ago and tomorrow was practice I obviously wasn't allowed to participate but I was still going to go so I could see what my team were doing and to be supportive but I couldn't ignore the uneasy feeling i had the thought of just sitting around and not being able to really do anything made me nervous

But It had also seemed as though the news of my injury had traveled over to Spain I had revived many texts from the girls back in Barca  hoping that I was ok and that they felt bad I had gotten injured but alexia was the only one to actually call it was the middle of the night the day after the match and I had received a call from her we talked for around an hour maybe more about my injury but also how each other were doing generally, I didn't know why but speaking to alexia made me feel as though I was being disloyal to Leah

While Leah hadn't really ever asked about mine and alexia's past 'relationship' it was an unspoken thing that if she was around her or if I talked about her there would be an awkward tension surrounding the subject which I understood and me speaking with what is basically considered my ex made me feel bad but alexia was one of my best friends despite are history which just made things a little difficult so I wasn't sure if I was going to tell Leah about the phone call


It was now the morning Leah was currently treating me as though I was the most injured person to ever exist she had text me at 6am to tell she was gonna pick me up for practice and then rang me at 7:45 to make sure I had gotten her text, i was planning on asking my mum to take me as I wasn't really able to drive with my ankle injury but telling Leah no wasn't really something that she was accustomed to so as of right now I was waiting for another call or text of Leah to tell me she was close by or already here

I sat on my sofa scrolling through my social media's when a text came through from Leah telling me she was here and if I wanted her to come up to my apartment to help me come down, I rolled my eyes at the text I didn't even need to use crutches I was perfectly capable to walk places but in the time it took me to open the text and prepare to respond there was a knock on the door

I stood up and walked over to my door to open it to see the blonde was stood there with a silly little smile on her face

"You didn't reply fast enough so I decided to come up anyway" she said

"Yea right you were probably already up and out your car before you even sent the text" i laughed opening the door so she could come in

"What can I say I'm in a helping mood" she said walking into my apartment

"Wanna give me a piggy back ride" I said partially joking but also wanting to see how much she actually would be willing to 'help'

"A piggy back ride" She said looking at me a little dumbfounded by the question

"I mean you did say you were in a helping mood" I laughed thinking she was about to say no to my request

"Fine" she said turning around, I giggled at the blonde I didn't actually think she was gonna say yes but never the less I walked over to her and got on her back wrapping my legs around her waist

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now