Chapter 5 ❥

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It had been a few weeks since my debut for arsenal and me and the girls had gotten much closer especially me and Leah, we found are selves spending a lot of time together we would do things like go to coffee shops together and have movie nights at each other's places

i had also learned a lot of small things about Leah like how she could be a big perfectionist at times or how she loves the beach but hates getting Sandy or how she loves how calming the rain is but hates getting caught in it and that she values family and friends over everything

I was currently sat in the living room of the girls apartment wrapped up in a blanket waiting for Leah to join me with the popcorn she was taking far to long to make

"Leah what are you actually doing in there" I say looking in the direction of the kitchen

"I'm trying find a bowl to put the popcorn in" she yelled back from the kitchen

"Well at this rate we'll be onto the credits before you actually sit down" I yelled back

"Alright alright " she said walking into the living room with the bowl of popcorn setting it between us

"Hey your hogging all the blanket" the blonde said tugging the blanket closer to her

"No I'm not" I laughed layitttng the blanket more evenly between us

" yea you were" she said finally getting comfy to which I playfully rolled my eyes to before relaxing


The movie had long ended, the popcorn bowl discarded somewhere on the floor and me and Leah had found ourselves snuggled close to each other Leah had fallen asleep right before the credits and had her head laying on the side of the sofa with her arm around my waist we had never been this close before

My eyelids felt heavy and mixed with the warmth radiating of Leah's body paired with the warmth from the fuzzy blanket I was quickly lulled to sleep


I woke up to sound of cupboards slamming shut and the smell of strong coffee in the air, it took me a minute to fully realise where I was and what was going on and then It dawned on me that I had spent the night I had never actually slept over at Leah's before neither had Leah ever slept at mine it was a weird feeling but before I could think about it more I heard her speak

"Oh you're up I didn't have the heart to wake you up before you looked so peaceful so I just let you sleep" she said putting to mugs of coffee down on the table

I sat up fully to let the blonde sit next to me, I smoothed my hair down as it had gotten messy while I was sleeping and rubbed my eyes

"What time is it" I said very tired

"It's still early it's around half 8 I've only been up for around 20 minutes " she said taking a sip of coffee 

"Oh" I said staring at the wall in front of me "I'm sorry I slept over I just fell asleep" I said looking in her direction

"Oh no it's totally fine to be honest sometimes it gets boring living alone so it's actually quite nice"

I smiled in her direction before picking up the mug of coffee and taking a sip and humming in approval

"How did I do" Leah said smiling,

I've always had a sort of particular way I made any of my drinks and coffee was one I always preferred to make myself seeing as I was very particular about, something Leah found very funny

"It's good I'd give you maybe a 7/10" i smiled

"Nah I'm not having that I'd say at least an eight"

"7.5 is my final offer" I laughed

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now