Chapter 6 ❥

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I had made the extreme effort to not speak, acknowledge or even look at Leah for the rest of brunch I saw her look at me worryingly a few times seeing as I talked to anyone except her but I just ignored the looks,  Katie also offered me sympathetic eyes like she knew that I had figured it out what was going on but I only would look away each time

It wasn't even a big deal but I just felt it might of been worth mentioning that the reason why I'm being shut out by someone who I want to be friends with is because I'm spending an awful of a lot of time with her ex

When the girls started gathering there things to leave I tried to not too abruptly get ahead of everyone to get back to my car but she caught up with me

"Hey Bella you ok" Leah said catching up with me so I slowed down a Bit not wanting to make a scene

"Yea I'm fine we'll talk later yea" I said walking away before she could answer getting In my car and putting my head in my hands taking a breath and then  driving back to my apartment


It was only around 2:15 pm but all I wanted was to be alone and relax and probably go to sleep which has always been the solution to my problems, if I was asleep I didn't have to worry about any of my issues

I got changed into some shorts and a t-shirt and laid on my sofa and turned on a random show and got out my phone I knew that by doing this I was hitting self destruct but I needed someone to talk to even if that person is the same person I had a crush on for years but even still I knew whenever I needed her she'd answer immediately

' Hola Bella are you ok'

                  'Hola yes I'm ok I just need someone to talk to but if your busy it's fine we can talk later

'I'm just at my mamas house alba's here also but I just stepped outside to answer your call your not interrupting don't worry'

'Ok well it's just I'm just having a hard time in London I mean I love being back and seeing my family and friends but this new team it's difficult and the people are definitely different and I'm not handling it well'

'Your putting to much pressure on yourself bell I could tell during your debut match you weren't yourself you played well but you need to take a step back to breath'

'I really just wanted to prove that I was good enough and I don't know if I am I just miss Spain'

'Trust me it's not been the same since You left and you are good enough your one of the best players I've ever met you need to not overthink, and if u need some time to focus on yourself then you should'

'Thank you ale, I just think it's anxiety I'll be ok I think'

'Are you sure your going to be ok I do worry about you Bella'

'I'm fine ale just stressed but I'll be ok anyway how have you been'

'I've been fine i mean trainings going fine things are definitely boring without you tho we all miss you, i miss you'

'I miss you guys a lot to but I will visit soon I promise'

'I'm looking forward to it anyways I have to get back now or alba will think I've run away'

'Ok thank you ale te amo"

'Te amo'

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now