Chapter 14 ❥

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Leah had stayed for a while after we had made up we ordered pizza and watched a few movies but the last thing I can remember from the night is closing my eyes not really attempting to go to sleep but falling asleep anyway

It was now very clearly morning the rare London sun shining through the curtains, I rubbed my eyes and sat up I was still on the sofa and weirdly I had slept the best I had in days on the sofa than in my bed

I checked the time and I had around 30 minutes to get ready before Leah arrived I wasn't sure why she didn't stay the night it would make sense if she did but I didn't even remember her leaving

I had finished getting ready and was waiting in my kitchen sat on my counter with a cup of tea when I heard a knock at my door I hopped off the counter and opened my door and saw the familiar blonde stood with a smile on her face

Déjà vu

"I still have 10 more minutes" i smiled walking back to my kitchen and picking up my tea

"Ha nice to see you too" she laughed coming inside and closing the door

"What, your early" I said sipping my tea

"Wanted to make sure you were ready" she replied

"You could of stayed the night if you wanted instead of driving home and then driving back to my apartment" I said

"I know but we had just made up and I didn't want to overstep" Leah shrugged

I hummed and nodded in acknowledgement "tea?" I offered

"No I'm ok thank you, and you have 6 minutes left" Leah said looking at her wrist

I rolled my eyes jokingly and put my mug into the sink and walked towards Leah

"You haven't even got a watch on" I laughed eyeing her wrist before grabbing my bag

Leah laughed and nodded "well I'm pretty sure I'm close enough"

We both walked out of my apartment and got into her car and drove to practice


We had arrived at the training grounds fairly quickly as there was little to no traffic, we walked into the building and headed to the changing rooms deep in conversation, hand in hand

When we walked only a few girls were there and lucky for me one of them was Katie

"We're the hell have you been" she said with her deep Irish accent

"What I was off for one day" I laughed setting my bag down on the bench

"Yea well thanks for making an effort to answer your phone" she said rolling her eyes

"Your welcome" I smiled sarcastically at the girl which earned me another playful eye roll

"But seriously are you ok Bella you must of been pretty sick" Beth asked

"I'm ok I just felt really off but I'm better today don't worry" I smiled

She nodded at my answer and re started her conversation with viv who was sat next to her

I had just finished putting my cleats on when the door opened quite abruptly

"Is Arabella here" I heard the person say

I rolled my eyes at the Swedish man "yes I'm here"

"Ah come with me just for a second" Jonás said

I stood and followed him out of the door

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now