Chapter 22 ❥

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It was New Year's Eve today I was beyond nervous I knew that after this I would make some of the biggest decision of my life and everything was stressing me out from the promise rings Leah had got us down to the cards I had gotten from the girls in Spain and the personal one from alexia

But I had much bigger things to worry about like what i was going to wear to the New Year's Eve party tonight, I wasn't sure if black was too predictable or if I were to wear creme or white and risk maybe spilling a drink on my outfit or if I wore a bright colour and stand out too much

I feel like I'm having a panic attack I thought to myself but when I looked down to see my hands were shaking and and my breathing became shallow I realised I was in-fact having a panic attack

"Shit" I whispered sitting down at my vanity and putting my head in my hands trying to breathe normal everything's fine, I'm fine I repeated in my head as I began to breathe normally

"Well that was dramatic" I thought to my self as I got up and walked to my closet for the millionth time when I easily saw a gold glittery dress I must of not see before and took it out before walking away to the bathroom to finally get ready


I stood in-front of my mirror and deeply analysed my self from the curls in my hair down to the way I looked in my heels I look great I had convinced myself as I went to sit back at my vanity to straighten my hair

Once I had finished my hair I felt slightly better and and I felt less anxious I had shot Leah a text to ask is she wanted me to pick her up so we could go to the part together and she was down with it so I was up and getting ready to leave my apartment and to hopefully not crash on my way to Leah's


I had successfully gotten to Leah's without crashing which was great i had sent an im here text to Leah so I was now waiting for her  to come out

When I looked through my window and saw the blonde walking towards my car I rolled down the windows

"Get in loser we're going shopping" I yelled when she was close enough which earned a laugh from her

(I'm hoping people got that reference)

"So your gonna be designated driver tonight" Leah chuckled as she got into the car

"Yea I am not drinking tonight I've got enough anxiety" I laughed nervously

"Anxiety? Why are you anxious" Leah asked sincerely placing her hand on mine

"No reason I'm not really anxious I'm always like this on the last day of the year" I lied

"Really because your hands are shaking" she said lying my hand flat in hers

I pulled my hand away from hers and rubbed my hands together "I'm fine honestly we should go I don't want us to be late"

"Okay" she said not pressing it any further which I was grateful for

  As we arrived I took a few deep breaths before getting out the car with Leah she softly took my hand before walking in

"You know you can talk to me about anything" she said softly

"I know" I smiled before we eventually walked into The party

Let's get this over with


Everything was going pretty well first thing people actually noticed was the rings that me and Leah had on are fingers and Katie, Beth and viv were in the process of planning are wedding but we had to quickly shut that down before the whole place speculated me and Leah were getting married

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now