Chapter 26 ❥

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It had been maybe 3 days since I had closed the deal to Barcelona the news came out quicker than expected and seeing my name on the news was always a funny feeling and I felt bad because I hadn't even told my friends from arsenal that I was leaving

I had countless phone calls and confused messages and I had to be honest with them I hadn't fully told them about the fact this was an impulsive decision based on an argument with Leah but her name was a frequent topic in these conversation all the more reason I wanted to leave

the thought of seeing her now was my version of a nightmare I was tired of the arguing and then making up then arguing cycle we were stuck in it made me feel like we didn't have a strong enough relationship, that maybe we just weren't compatible, that maybe I was the problem but I couldn't come to terms with that in the back of my mind I had hope that we'd somehow work things out and everything would be fine

A pipe dream really

I had a sick feeling in my stomach as I stared at the packed suitcase in front of me, apart from my furniture my apartment looked kind of empty almost sad, the weather of the day also wasn't really helping, the overcast gray clouds made my normally bright apartment look dim only adding to my somber mood but despite everything I grabbed my suitcase and exited my apartment heading for the airport


I stared at coming and going of the busy London streets as I sat in the back of the taxi, headed for the airport I was not looking forward to this I wasn't looking forward to the murmuring voices of the people In the airport or the subtle flashes of cameras of the people who knew who I was taking photos I just felt burned out and for a football player that was never a good feeling

When I saw the airport In the distance of the taxi window I sat up and got my money prepared to pay the driver before stepping out the taxi, thanking the driver and walking into the airport

I had smartly timed my arrival to the airport so much so I actually had very little time to bored my flight after accounting for the other security checks I had to go through before getting to my terminal so I wouldn't have to stall around the airport for longer than needed

And just as I had planned as soon as I was walking towards my terminal the familiar boarding now announcement rang throughout the area I was in meaning I could go ahead and board so I stood in the now fleeting line to get on the plane and showed my ticket before boarding

As soon as I sat down I put my headphones in drowning out the noise around me, the anxiety I felt was practically flooding my senses as I tried to calm my self repeating that everything was going to be fine in my head, thinking back the move from Barcelona to arsenal didn't feel nearly this bad but the constant uncertainty of this whole situation really plagued my brain

The thought of what Leah was feeling also was unbearable the previous sadness of the situation regarding the girl was now mixing with anger and I didn't like it, I didn't like how all I could think about was her and how it felt like she didn't care

But little did I know the 14 missed calls on my phone I was yet to see and the blonde girl crying at the airport missing me by just 10 minutes desperately wanted me to stay

I hadn't even remembered falling asleep on the plane till I was softly tapped awake by a flight attendant, I stirred out of sleep and apologised embarrassed to the woman pulling myself together before heading off the airplane and into the airport

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now