Chapter 24 ❥

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Probably gonna hate me for this one (don't worry tho things will get better 🤞🏽)
When I got back to apartment all I wanted to do was cry loving someone shouldn't be this complicated, but It wasn't worth the tears couples have arguments all the time right?, it didn't really matter anyway I just put on comfy clothes, sat on my sofa and put on a show

It had been around an hour by now since I got home I felt more relaxed than I had all week it was kinda nice to just be alone nobody and nothing to stress over, well that was true for around 5 more minutes until my phone started to ring and to be honest I was sort of glad I wasn't Leah but I also really wasn't expecting it to be her

'Hey alexia' I Answered slightly confused

'Hey Bella i was just calling to see how you are we haven't talked in a while' alexia responded

           'I'm okay just stressed I guess nothing out of the normal'

'Do you want to talk about it' she asked

'Um sure so today I found out which clubs are putting in offers for me this season and there was quite a lot but Barcelona and arsenal were the only ones I cared about and I really don't know what to decide' I vented

'Wait your considering coming back to Barcelona' she replied as if she was shocked

'Maybe I haven't properly thought anything through I miss Spain a lot' I replied honestly

"Have you spoken to Leah about it yet I'm guessing you two are a thing by now'

'Yes I did but it didn't go so well so we're gonna talk later about it hopefully without anyone getting upset or arguing' I sighed

'You got upset? Why what did she say?' Alexia said with an undertone of anger in her voice

                                         'Well it probably wasn't the best  time to talk for one because I was already feeling overwhelmed from my meeting but we had conflicting reasons to why I may want to go back to Barcelona'  I said beating around the bush

'Conflicting reasons? What does that mean? what did she say?'  Alexia asked persistently

'She basically said that I wasn't over you' I pretty much yelled down the phone frustrated at the entire situation

'I didn't even now she new we were a thing at one point in time' alexia replied plainly

        'Well she does so that's that but I was reluctant to tell her anyway about being conflicted because I don't want to be persuaded to do anything'

'Bella can I ask you something and you have to be honest' alexia said calmly

'Yea of course'

'If I asked you to stay at Barcelona before you said you were leaving would you of stayed'

i said nothing

'Bella please answer the question' alexia pleaded

'I think so' I said honestly

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now