Chapter 3 ❥

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It was the next day, tomorrow was my first debut for arsenal and i was feeling so much anxiety Leah had text me the night before to tell me we were going out at around 6 and that she wouldnt mind picking me up which I was very grateful for but now I had the rest of the day to kill before then

I dragged myself out of bed to slowly walk into my bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror to see my eyes looked tired and red, my lips were chapped and my hair was a mess normally i was a morning person but the stress must of been really getting to me

I washed my face and laid out some clothes on my bed before hoping in the shower having decided I was going to see my mum and hopefully my brothers for the day, I missed them when I was in Spain but we FaceTimed nearly everyday and they visited a couple times a year

When I had told them I was coming back to England they were so happy , they were proud
Of me for following my dreams and were proud of the name I had made for myself but they would tell me every day they missed me dearly which was another reason why I wanted to come home I wanted my family


I got out the shower and put on the clothes I laid out for myself bed

walking out to my apartment i walked to my car and began to drive to my mums house she only lived a 15 minute drive from my apartment, I was grateful enough to have grown up in a fairly nice part of London we weren't rich, we didn't live in a massive house and there were times my mum struggled to make ends meet but we still had everything we needed

I pulled out Side of my mums house at around 2pm , got out the car and went to knock on the door but I got nothing in return I thought why she wouldn't answer the door so I knocked again a little louder but still nothing I tried the handle and to my surprise it was open it wasn't like my mother to just leave the door open but I walked in anyway the house was dark but I could just about make out my surroundings

"Hellooo, Mum" I yelled walking into the kitchen when suddenly the lights turned on and I was met with all my old friends and family shouting 'welcome home Arabella', confetti was thrown and there was a pink banner reading 'welcome home' and on the kitchen table there was sprinkles of glitter and a pink cake and other snacks

"Omg u guys scared me" I said placing a hand on my heart which was going a mile a minute

"We didn't mean to scare you" I heard my mum say while making her way over to me and pulling me into her arms giving me a tight hug

"We missed you" I heard a male voice say also joining the hug it was my oldest brother Isiah , my father walked out on us when I was just a baby so my brother became sort of man of the house I had one other older brother Jayden but he was only 6 at the time while Isiah was 13,
He had made every effort to make sure he was there to be the stereotypical protective older brother along with Jayden when he was slightly older whenever I was upset or hurt they would be the first people to figure out what was wrong and how they could help and I appreciated them so much

"Ok everyone group hug" I heard another voice say presumably Jayden before everyone was swarming around me giving me the best group hug ever

" i missed all of you" I whispered


I had been at my mums for around 2 hours catching up with everyone, I love being re United with everyone and being caught up with everything I had missed while being in Barca

We had all crammed into the living room everyone enjoying themselves and caught up in conversations with one another I had chosen to sit next to my best friend since primary school Kennedy, having wanted to probably catch up with her

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now