Chapter 25 ❥

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Me and Leah hadn't spoken since the argument which had been days ago, I didn't know what this meant for us, for are relationship, I didn't know what this meant for me either was I really going to go back Barcelona and leaving everything behind again.

I was stubborn like this if  I said I was going to leave even in a fit of anger that's what I was going to do, so I could prove a point that I wasn't pulling a bluff or that I was strong enough to make decisions without other peoples guidance

but I was still scared, scared that this was the end of us that we could never come back from this but I couldn't stay, I couldn't speak to her or try to fix things not when the idea of 'us' felt to far gone

I had already booked a meeting with my agent a few days earlier than agreed and thank god she was free I needed to get out of here as soon as possible


WI arrived in the same cafe car park as I had my meeting in before, I found comfort in the small cafe the atmosphere was calming i saw Audrey at the same table we were sat at the last time we had a meeting I sat across from her, the look of sympathy in her eyes was evident

"Don't look at me like that" I mumbled rubbing eyes briefly

"Look at you like what" she said softly

"Like I'm some sort of fragile thing that you thinks going to break at any given moment" I huffed

"You look tired" she said

"Well Audrey i am, I am incredibly tired" I replied

"What did you call this meeting about you sounded urgent"

"I want to go back to Barcelona" I said plainly

"What? Why what happened" she said confused, Audrey knew how happy I was when I got the offer to arsenal she was with me every step of the way and was one of my biggest supporters in the decision to move so me suddenly wanting to transfer again within a year did seem odd

"I don't want to talk about it I just can't stay here anymore" I replied honestly feeling the tightness in my throat grow which was a sign I was most likely going to cry again

"I'm guessing the the talk didn't go to well" Audrey sighed

I laughed at the simplicity of the of the statement

"not too well is an understatement, I could deal with not too well I wouldn't be sitting here telling you I want to go back to Barcelona if it didn't go too well, but I don't see how I can stay here if I can't even be in the same room as someone no matter play football with them I'm not about to ruin my career because of an argument with my girlfriend"

"But your willing to move country because of an argument with your girlfriend" Audrey said as more of a statement rather a question

Well when you put it like that

"Audrey I'm not here to talk about my relationship I'm here to close a transfer deal" I said trying not to be snappy as I found Audrey as a very genuine friend of mine

"Okay if that's what you want I'll get it done but when this deal goes through and you change your mind which I know you will because your purely making this decision emotionally it will create a lot of hard work to get you out so are you sure you want to make me do lots of unnecessary work" she said

"Yep" I replied simply, knowing she was right

"You really like to get your moneys worth don't you Arabella" she said tapping away at her laptop

I chuckled at the use of my full first name she only used it when she was mad at me

"Of course Audrey I love it when you do what your paid to do" I sarcastically

"Well I'll keep you posted things should become final in maybe a few days and then we'll get flights sorted, and I say that lightly because I know to be expecting the Audrey please help I made a mistake call, sound good" Audrey said sounding very un-charismatic

"Yep" I nodded not even looking at her

"I know your regretting it already but my advice now would be go over there have a look then call me saying you fucked up so I can sort it out"

"Okay Audrey I get it I'm impulsive and hard to deal with at times thank you for reminding me" I said rolling my eyes

"You know sometimes I really do feel like your mother" she joked

"I wish, but your not paid to be my therapist so fortunately you don't have to hear about all my problems but thank you Audrey for always being there I really appreciate it" I thanked

"No problem Bella im always here for you" she smiled

I smiled back as we talked for a little longer until the meeting concluded and I made my way out of the coffee shop ready to drive home


Once I got home I don't know why this is the first thing I thought of doing but I called alexia to tell her I'd be coming back but to also manage her and the girls expectations

'Hello; Bella?'

'Hey lex um I made the transfer' I said sounding not very overly excited

'Wait your coming back to Barcelona' alexia replied sounding very excited

'Yes I made had a meeting with my agent a little while ago to finalise the deal'

'I can't tell you how happy I am right now the girls are going to be so excited but this seems sudden did something happen?' Alexia questioned

'Yea sort of but i don't want to talk about it if I'm being honest I just need a change of scene' I responded

'Yea that's fair how long is the contract' alexia asked

'It's three years but alexia I need to be honest and say that I think I'm making this decision impulsively and I feel like it's a possibility that I could change my mind' I told her

'I understand, if I'm being honest it'll be nice to just see you and even if you do back out at least we've been able to catch up not in a competitive setting'

'Yea your right but we'll see I have to see what I've missed before I make anymore rash decisions'

'Well don't worry about that everything's pretty much the same but we've missed you Bella; a lot'

'I know and it makes me feel bad to come back only to maybe change my mind again I remember how sad it was when I left the first time'

'Well I'll try and tell the girls before the news gets out so I can manage expectation but like I said it'll be nice just to see you'

'Yea it'll be nice to see you too I hope I can make it work out there'

'Me too Bella'

'I know it's getting a little late over there so I'll let you go speak soon tho'

'Of course bye Bella'

                              'Bye lex' I said before ending the phone call

I spent the rest of my night just thinking, thinking about where things maybe went wrong and what I would do differently and if Leah was feeling the same and even tho I was frustrated with the girl I couldn't help but hope she'd call and say that she didn't want me to go or that she was coming over so we could sort things out once and for all

but I knew that wouldn't happen she was as stubborn as me and I knew that it wouldn't dawn on her the fact that I was actually leaving until I was already gone; until it was to late

Get ready for the next chapter it's going to be so much fun 🤗🤗🤗🙏🏽

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