Chapter 12 ❥

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As I expected I awoke to the flash of a camera in my eyes with Jen, Katie and Beth all turned in there seats in-front of me and Leah while Kim, lia and viv tried to usher them down before I fully awoke but I already knew what was happening but that didn't stop me asking the question

"What are you guys doing" I mumbled tiredly still subconsciously latched onto Leah

"Nothing" Katie yelled from the seat in front sinking further into her seat so I could only see the top of her head

I hummed like I believed that it was nothing but I fully knew she along with Beth and Jen had snapped at least 2 pictures of me and Leah while we were asleep

"So me waking up to you Beth and Jen with phones in my face was just nothing" I mumbled again but starting to wake up a little more

Beth spoke this time "yep" she said really emphasising the 'p'

I nodded, obviously they didn't see that because they sheepishly were sat in there seats as sunken down as they can, it was amusing in a way that they genuinely thought neither me or Leah were going to wake up to a bright camera flash in are eyes

I was still pretty surprised that Leah hadn't woken up to the commotion it wasn't exactly a quiet plane either it seemed the whole team were happily engaged in there own conversations well all except the three girls sat in-front,  despite it being around ten pm,

I sat up more than I was before, seeing as I was pretty slumped in my seat and funnily enough that action was enough to get Leah to stir awake slightly

She squeezed my hand a little tighter but moved away from me slightly resting her head away from were it was pretty much resting on top of mine, without the presence of the warmth of Leah and the atmosphere of the loud plane we were in I was now fully awake

I used my free hand to reach in my pocket and grab my phone to check the time it was now 22:08 and the plane was set to land at half past ten which meant we would be getting of soon which meant I had to wake up a very much sleeping Leah

"Leah" I whispered, this felt like a pretty regular occurrence for me and her one of us asleep the other one left with the responsibility of waking them up

"Leah, wake up" I whispered again but still nothing, i huffed trying my best to not let the three girls sat in front of us hear my desperate attempt to wake up a sleeping Leah

Talking well whispering wasn't working so I let go of Leah's hand which was a lot harder then expected seeing as she was really holding my hand tight but it did infact wake up (and abruptly in that) a sleepy Leah

"What are you doing" Leah barely made out

"You need to wake up we're literally about to land" I giggled

Leah groaned rubbing her eyes and trying to sit up comfortably in the plane chair

"Doesn't mean you need to let go" Leah said re taking my hand in hers, a blush spread on my cheeks but  I knew for a fact that if Leah wasn't fresh out of sleep she wouldn't of been bold enough to say that but before I could react in any other way I heard a laugh that tried to be covered by a cough in-front of me so I kicked the Irish girls chair knowing for a fact it was her and she dramatically let out a loud ow and turned in her seat to give me a joking glare which I returned


The plane had landed and we had collected our luggage, Jonás had said a few things to us but I was completely zoned out of whatever he was talking about

When he was done we all exited the airport, Me and Leah hand in hand

"Where did u park" she asked me

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now