Chapter 18 ❥

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we arrived back at Leah's a short while ago me and her where currently sat on her couch snuggled together talking about some little things with the tv playing softly in the background,

I had changed into a hoodie which I already carried with me and some shorts Leah let me borrow, the sun was close to setting the sky currently painted a pleasant colour of orange which tinted her living room with the colour

"I have an idea" the blonde said

"Please don't say something ridiculous" I sighed lightheartedly at the girl

"I promise" she laughed "do you want to cook dinner with me"

"Leah babe I'm sorry to say but you're cooking skills are not really up to par" I replied teasingly

"Yea I know that's why I'm asking you to cook with me"

"Ok then sure what are we cooking" I said pulling away from her warm embrace a little bit

"I'm thinking pasta" she said standing

"Have you ever made fresh pasta" I said standing along side her

"No have you"

"Yep all the time while I was in Spain" i answered smugly

"Well I don't really think it's in my best interest to try any time soon" she scoffed

"Oh come on it'll be fun I'm a good teacher " I said grabbing her hands and pulling her into the kitchen

"Bella I really don't think this is a good idea" she protested

"Please I promise if it doesn't go right we can order pizza or something" I compromised

" fine but don't think I'm not gonna sabotage this so we can actually get pizza"

"Well first off do you have the right ingredients" I asked

"Yea I'm pretty sure what Is it flour and eggs and stuff" she said taking a few things out of her cupboards

"Yea that'll do"


Ten minutes had passed and me and Leah where currently sat back on her couch waiting for the pizza to be delivered

Basically what happened was;

"Leah stop throwing the flour around"

"I'm not im trying to follow the instructions" she said trying to read what it Said on the phone

"Lee your doing it wrong let me do it" I protested

"No I'm getting the hang of it let me just-" she struggled trying to fix the mountain of flour on the surface but while doing so, accidentally blowing half of that flour all over the floor and all over me

My mouth hung open as I looked down at the mess of flour that had gone everywhere and looked at the blonde who was just stood in front of me hand covering her mouth most likely trying to stop her from laughing

"Are you laughing seriously" I said looking at the blonde girl

"No I'm-" she tried to string a sentence together but cut her self with a laugh she tired to hide "I'm sorry"

"No your not" i said grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at her

"You are joking" she said releasing her hands from her mouth and looked down at the flour now covering her clothes looking dumbfounded at what I had just done

I looked at her quite amused with myself at what I had done but trying not to show it on my face which I clearly failed to do

"Are you laughing" she said with a stupid grin plastered on her face

"No" I said pursing my lips together desperately trying to keep myself from laughing

This escalated into me and Leah having a full blown flour fight the kitchen floor was more or less covered in flour as well as the counter tops but thankfully no eggs were cracked in the process

Me and Leah had eventually wrapped up the fight putting everything away changing out of the flour covered clothes and putting new ones on before finally cleaning the kitchen and after silently agreeing to order pizza.;

"I still can't believe you did that" Leah said breaking the silence

"Oh come on you started it" I said

"It was an accident I didn't mean to blow the flour at you" she said while laughing

"Yea well should've been more careful" I shrugged playfully

"I swear if you weren't physically impaired right now-"

"You'd do what Williamson" I giggled at the girls seriousness

"Hey actually you've still got a little flour on your face" she said convincingly

"I do" I questioned

"Yep right here" she said sitting closer to me using her finger to wipe away the remaining 'flour' "oh and also right here" she said again repeating the action

I had started to realise what she was actually doing

"Anywhere else" I grinned

"Just a little more right here" she said going to lean before are little moment was rudely interrupted by a knock on the door

Leah closed her eyes momentarily, sat back and groaned at the interruption which caused me to slightly laugh at the girl

"Pizza time" I giggled standing up and going to the door to revive the pizza

When I returned with the pizza the blonde was looking up at me intensively with her blue eyes looking less than impressed and even more unimpressed by the look of amusement on my face

"You look happy" I said placing down the pizza box on the table in front of the sofa sitting back down closely next to Leah

Leah scoffed but still putting her arm around my shoulder and beginning to try and find a film for us to watch while we are are pizza

"I swear this all we do nowadays watch movies Together" I said

"Well I am still waiting for my date" she said and even tho I didn't turn to look at her face I could sense the smirk she probably had

"Yea well I have something planned don't you worry but it's after the final games" I replied

"Well it better be good considering it'll be in winter when it's freezing cold"

"You're so dramatic"

"Just keeping my expectations high babe" she joked but it only earned an eye roll from

"At this rate your lucky you're getting a date at all" I mimicked in the same tone as she just did

"I'm taking care of my unwell girlfriend, bought pizza and I'm finding us a film I think I'm doing pretty well in my opinion"

"And let's not forget when you covered your unwell girlfriend in flour" I reminded the blonde

"You're never gonna let me live that down are you" she said

"Nope" I replied with a smile

If im being totally honest I forgot to write a chapter 😭 so I did write this in like 10 minutes sorry if it seems rushed

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now