Chapter 15 ❥

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Sorry this is out so late it's short and sweet but I've just been a little busy,
I hope u enjoy x

Me and Leah arrived at my apartment with smiles practically painted on our faces we had been talking about which movie we were going to watch I was dead set on at least one barbie movie but Leah wanted to watch a horror something I was not happy about

"We're not watching a horror film Leah" I said slipping out of my heels

"Why not it's literally the perfect thing to watch after a date" she said slipping off her shoes as well

"After a nice date the best thing to do is be scared to death not gonna happen" I laughed

"Pleaseeeee" she dragged

"Ok ok fine but we have to watch at least 1 Barbie movie" I said as a compromising

"Deal" she said sitting on the sofa

"Ok give me a minute I'm just going to change" I said walking to my bedroom

I changed into a tank top and some shorts and put my hair into a ponytail and quickly wiped of my makeup and made my way back into the living room

"Have u picked something" I said coming to sit next to her

"Yep" she said clicking on the movie

"Leah your really had to pick the most horrifying looking film on Netflix"

"I've watched this one a few times Don't worry it's not that scary, I'll hold ur hand" she said laughing

I wasn't totally convinced

"Ok fine I'll go and make the popcorn" I said getting up again

"Ok I'll pause the film"

"Please don't" I laughed picking out a bowl


Around 20 minutes into the movie I was fully submerged under the fuzzy gray blanket I had put over me and Leah after it had after it had gotten a little cold and was definitely squeezing the life out of Leah's hand and to make it worse was all i could hear was Leah's laugh at how 'ridiculous' I was being

"Don't u think your being a little bit dramatic" leah said putting a piece of popcorn in her mouth

" I'm literally on the verge of tears I've never been more scared in my life " I said poking my head from under the blanket

"Yea I can tell I can't feel my hand"

"Sorry I'm sorry" I said letting go of her hand

"No it's fine babe don't worry" she said re taking her hand in mine

I felt my face go hot at the words spoken from the blonde I didn't seem like she knew what she said and I don't know if it was the 2 glasses of champagne at dinner or she said it subconsciously

I sat throughout the rest of the horror movie seemingly unfazed I found it hard to do anything but smile which would look a little weird seeing as I was grinning from ear to ear while watching people get possessed

It wasn't long until the end of the movie and I was gearing up to put on barbie princes charm school my favourite Barbie movie ever

"Ok can we change the movie now the movies practically over" I sighed

"Im too tired to watch Barbie" Leah sighed

"Fine I'm pretty tired but u have to do something that I wanna do tomorrow" I compromised

"Deal" she smiled

"Ok I'm gonna wash up did u bring pyjamas" I said picking up the popcorn bowl

"No I didn't think I was sleeping over"

"Um ok you can find something from my room to wear I'm pretty sure we're the same size" I said putting the bowl in the sink

"Ok thank u" she said walking to my bedroom

I was washing the bowl when Leah walked back out with a pair of shorts and a hoodie

"Can I wear these" she asked

"Yea of course" I replied, she nodded and walked back into my bedroom  while I finished washing up and cleaned up the sofa

"You decent" I walking to my bedroom door about to open it

"Yea" she yelled back

I opened the door to see her sat on my bed with her phone in her hands but looking up at me

"I can sleep on the couch if you want" she offered

"No Leah that's silly it's fine" I said walking over to my side of the bed and sitting down

"Are u sure" she said

"Yes Leah it's totally fine" I laughed

"Ok thank u" she smiled

I sat back on my bed and went on my phone for a little bit before I started to get really tired

"I think im gonna go to bed" I said putting my phone on my bedside table and getting under the covers

"Ok bell, sleep well" she said smiling

"You too" I said turning on my side and closing my eyes


I woke up to a warm feeling next to me I had almost forgot Leah slept over but it quickly came back to me when I saw the very much sleeping blonde in the bed next to me but what confused me was how I fell asleep with my back to her but yet I still found me and her face to face with our hands intertwined but I wasn't complaining

It was definitely early in the morning maybe 6 or 7 my internal body clock naturally waking me up at this time but instead of going to the bathroom and doing my daily skin care like I usually would when I woke up I couldn't bring myself to move away from her she looked so peaceful in sleep

"Are you going to stare at me all morning" she groggily let out her eyes still closed

Not so peaceful anymore

"You just had to ruin the moment" I grinned

She laughed in reply opening her eyes rubbing her eyes with her free hand

"I'm gonna get up in a minute and probably make some coffee you want some" I asked quietly

"Maybe but can we just lie like this for a little while " she said barley whispering

" were just gonna stare into each others eyes for a few minutes?" I giggled

"Look who's ruing the moment now" she also said starting to giggling

"Ok ok we can stare into each other's eyes for a little while and probably fall back asleep" I said smiling

Even tho it was early morning leah still looked so pretty but it was obvious she was still very tired so after a couple seconds her eyes fluttered closed I wasn't s surprised so I tucked a loose peace of hair that had fallen onto her face back over her ear and watched the girl for a second or two

Practice had probably exhausted her, it definitely had me exhausted too on top of feeling under the weather I was proud of myself for just getting to practice on time but Leah was beyond consistent and dedicated along with practice she found the time to get me roses and take me on fancy dates it was the least I could do to let her sleep for another hour or two and before I knew I felt myself also drift back into sleep to

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now