Amnesia? (Piper)

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I sat in the dining hall with my homework sprawled out in front of me. I'd been trying to finish the same essay for the last two hours, the words kept flying off the page and my mind kept wandering out of my head.

Hence why I always do my homework in the dining hall or in the library, it was all I could do to keep myself from throwing my books through a window.

I couldn't understand why I seemed to be the only person alive with studying problems...well...except maybe Leo. But he also just hates studying.

I groaned and slumped face first onto the table. I was never going to get this essay done.

"McLean? You okay?" I looked up ready to hex whoever was bugging me, but stopped when I saw Hermione Granger sitting in front of me.

"Hey, Granger," I greeted evenly, ever since our interaction in the library, we'd been occasionally meeting and talking. She was by no means my friend, but we had our truce.

She nodded at me and asked again, "You okay?"

I shook my head with my face in a frown, "I'm never going to get this shit done. There is something wrong with me. Words don't stay on the paper and no matter what I do I can't keep myself focused."

Hermione pursed her lips, "Sounds like you have ADHD and maybe even dyslexia, the words like literally fly off the paper?"

I nodded, "Letters switch around and it stops me from writing things correctly. I have to read extremely slowly or I'll mix up similar looking words. Homework takes me forever."

"Definitely dyslexia. You never got diagnosed when you were younger?" She asked.

"I don't really know. I can't remember. Maybe, but, sometimes I feel like I don't remember anything from before coming to Hogwarts," I explained.

She laughed, "I can understand that feeling. I woke up the other day with a foggy head and I feel like the fog still just hasn't cleared."

I snorted, "Maybe that's what's wrong, someone took our memories and we need to get them back to figure this shit out."

Hermione began to chuckle but then her eyes lit up, " might not be that far off."

I cocked my head to the side, "Who would wanna just steal our memories for no reason. That makes no sense."

"But what if it isn't just us. What if there are others...Percy...the wedding ring. Where could it have come from, it seemed to just show up over night. Maybe it has always been there and we just don't remember," she began going off on a tangent.

I held up my hands, "That could just be a coincidence, I haven't noticed anything that strange the last few days...except, not remembering my dyslexia and the powers...and..."

"And...what?" Hermione pried, "Anything but of information will help us figure this out."

I bit my lip, honestly embarrassed to say what I was about to, "I thought Jason Grace was cute the other day. But I've never found him attractive before. I actually hate him. So that was weird, probably not important, probably just my brain messing with me."

"No, actually...that's wonderful. Because I had the same problem. I've been with Percy for...I can't even think of how long, genuinely, I don't remember, and I love him. But all of a sudden the other day, I couldn't stop thinking of...Ron," Hermione admitted in a low voice.

My eyes grew wide, to anyone else these would seem like insignificant details but...something was telling me that they were major, "What are the odds we both have thoughts about guys we never did before around the same time for no reason?"

"Very low. Look, if I'm right, we might need to look in the restricted section for spells and or potions for reversing memory loss. I know a spell from when I fixed the charm I did on my parents but...this might be harder, probably was done by a much more powerful wizard," she frowned, "Do you think there are more of us? Percy maybe, but...could this be much more?"

I shrugged, "I guess we'll have to find out. I would assume people we're close too, and then maybe people they're also close too. Like best friend close, or if someone you know has recently met someone within the last few days they'd never spoken to before. I'm taking shots in the dark here."

She gave me a comforting smile, "I don't think you're far off. It makes sense that if it happened with Percy and I that there could be more of our close friends, and since we've had a random unexpected interaction, anyone we're close with who is experiencing similar could also be having other strange things happening to them."

"How would we figure it out without seeming weird or suspicious though. Cause it could be possible the people closest to us are those we should have the least trust in," I warned.

Hermione nodded, "I think it is a risk we'd have to take if we want to figure this out."

I sighed, "Agreed."


Sorry, I know it's short, but I wanted to get something out and I felt good about this even though I try to always do at least 1000 words a chapter, this is only a little under. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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