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[author's note: slight rated m moment]

seojun and i couldn't find chorong and the others. instead we joined a couple of students that had set up a campfire and were now roasting marshallows on sticks over the fire. they had made s'mores and all, which surprised me that the teachers even let them start a fire in the first place.

after the gooey and chocolatey combination melted in our mouths, seojun took me a quiet area under a big tree that overlooked the campsite and creek. the lanterns illuminated the pathways and scattered tents that emitted laughter and chatter. a few individuals were walking around outside in preparation for the hike with the teachers.

crickets chirped around us in a dimly moonlit area where you could hear the current of a river in the distance away.

"are you cold?" seojun asked as we sat down on a bench and i shook my head.

"what are you going to do if i am? you don't even have a jacket," i joked and he pulled me into his embrace and kissed my forehead.

"idiot, there's something called body heat." he rolled his eyes and maintained the embrace.

i blinked at him and then shook in my head before laughing, "i was assuming that you were going to take off your shirt and sit half-naked in the dark."

"you want me to take it off?" he smirked, and i felt the blood rush to my face and looked away.

"no, no. i don't want you to catch a cold," i said, looking absentmindedly at the ripples in the creek. a large hand with veiny flesh placed itself on my chin and guided it back to han seojun's face that now expressed a lustful expression.

i looked at his dilated pupils and slightly ajar mouth that seemed to have a heavier breath now.

"fuck, you're so pretty," he murmured before closing the distance between our lips. his smooth pillows moved fluidly against mine as his hand dropped from my chin and began to roam. his hands trailed from my shoulders and then my waist where his fingers slid under my tank top and rubbed small circles on my skin.

an electric feeling shot throughout my body as he pushed a step further and opened his mouth to let his tongue meet mine.

his hands begin to inch upwards until his hands were at each side of my chest. he pulled my undergarment downward a little so that his hands could access my bosom and began massaging it.

a small moan was emitted from my mouth, which elicited a smirk from seojun. i ran my hands through his hair, messing it up in the process but it seemed to satisfy him.

he shifted his seat so that he could lean forward and deepen the kiss.

and that is when my thigh rubbed against his hardened bulge.

"seojun," i breathed as i broke the kiss and looked at his still dilated eyes. his eyelids hung lazy as he stared at my lips and i poked his forehead a few inches away from mine.

"we're out in the open," i reminded him to which he shrugged, "and?"

"do you want to bring it inside?" he offered, his hands were still under my shirt and circled my waist.

"oh god, no- seojun, this is not the right place or time," i sighed and he ran a hand through his hair and muttered, "that's fine."

"my house after the field trip?" he suggested, and looked to me almost eagerly.

"what's gotten into you?" i asked him, squeezing his cheeks gently into a cute pout to erase that horny look off his face.

"this," he pulled out his phone and showed me his photo gallery. they were screenshots of my stargram entries that were deleted.

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