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im jugyeong seemed to show no trace that she was being threatened by kang soojin to back off lee suho. on the first day back from the school camping trip, soojin watched with a smirk on her face as jugyeong ignored lee suho the entire day.

during class breaks, jugyeong occupied herself by accompanying sooah to the vending machine or making excuses to suho that she needed to use the restroom. they hardly exchanged more than a sentence to one another.

this left the round-eyed boy with confusion and it consumed his thoughts during class. it was evident that his mind was somewhere else when mr. han called him up to the board to solve a calculus question and he blanked.

he was dismissed to his seat and myungsoo completed the problem for him.

at the usual lunch table, the number of occupants were lower than usual today.

sooah wanted to avoid the cafeteria for a few days to eat alone but jugyeong eagerly insisted on joining her. taehoon ate with hyunkyu and myungsoo at another table with fellow student council representatives so that left suho, seojun and i to have our first peaceful meal in a while.

suho and seojun were two boisterous guys that could make a group setting lively no matter the amount of people. however, since suho's mood was rather depressed today, we ate quietly with a few occasional exchanges.

"what's up with you?" seojun asked, as he waved his spoon in suho's face. the now irritated boy shooed seojun's hand out of his face and continued poking at his food.

"jugyeong has been avoiding me ever since the day after we went camping. she would barely reply to my texts, cancelled our date and today she ignored me almost completely. she even lost the necklace i gifted her on the day of the camping trip," suho sighed, and then finally set down his spoon.

"do you think it's because i asked her to go steady with me? and she got afraid?" suho searched for the answer by alternating his eye contact with seojun and i. we knew the truth but we couldn't tell him unless at this moment unless we wanted to risk jugyeong's secret being exposed.

"give it some time. she probably wants space to think," seojun assured him with a pang of guilt in his heart because he couldn't tell his friend. he couldn't go around telling people about jugyeong's secret as well.

jugyeong did talk to me about it after soojin left since seojun and i were trying to sneak back to our tents without being seen. she had us promise her that we wouldn't interfere with this matter because she wouldn't know what to do if everyone's image of her was 'ruined.'

"on the other hand, what were you doing out at two a.m. on the night of the camping field?" suho asked seojun who only arched an eyebrow.

"you couldn't stop snoring," seojun blatantly stated, causing the guy across from him to bring his slender fingers to his temples and begin rubbing them.

"aw fuck, not again," he murmured.

"i can't believe you, including myungsoo and hyunkyu who also left my tent!" suho narrowed his eyes at seojun, who simply kept a neutral face and pointed to his own complexion.

"do you know how i maintain this attractive face? quality sleep," seojun flicked a part of his hair arrogantly to which suho rolled his eyes in response.

"i wonder if myungsoo was talking to soojin that night about my snoring. he looked kind of upset," suho shared, to which surprised the both of us.

"myungsoo was talking to soojin last night? just the two of them?" seojun asked, before exchanging glances with me. what if she told her?

but he wouldn't do anything...right? that guy knows my worst secret that i've been keeping from spreading from this school and nothing's happened.

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