twenty nine

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suho lays a flyer flat on the convenience store table's surface and points a finger. in bold words, it reads, "move entertainment's model agency presents a fan meeting with their models and a chance to enter a blind rate raffle."

"and what about it?" i ask him as i take another sip of my iced latte drink. he points to han seojun restocking a new shipment of energy drinks into the freezers. his broad back is facing us as he reorganizes the current drinks on that specific shelf.

occasionally, my boyfriend furrows his eyebrows at the random products that don't even belong that. such as cookies and chips.

"well, we have to pay hospital bills and this gig pays a lot," suho blatantly states as if it were the most obvious observation in the world.

"your dad owns move entertainment and you're most certainly not broke. on the other hand, poor seojun has to deal with thirsty, hormonal teenagers both at this crappy job and this upcoming event," i remarked, to which suho scoffed.

"i am trying to be financially independent from my dickhead of a father," suho rolls his eyes.  he picks up his banana milk straw and throws it at me. he seems bored.

"becoming financially independent from your dad by working at his company huh?" i crack up at his logic, to which he simply ignores me at and stares at seojun who has now began reorganizing the snacks.

"laugh all you want, but seojun and i are best buddies now. if he has to pretend to be interested in random girls and go on a date with them to earn money, then i'm going to do it too!" suho crosses his arms and then calls out to my tired boyfriend, who has now retreated to his comfortable seat behind the counter.

"shut the fuck up suho. have you even told your girlfriend you're doing this?" seojun asks the doe-eyed boy with a goofy smile as his face. suho grins to himself as he scrolls through his gallery filled with couple photos.

"she's not going to mind."

it turns out that jugyeong, in fact, does mind.

the following day at school during lunch, jugyeong and i are seated with the lovey-dovey couple, sooah and taehoon. sooah's ears perk up at the sound of "blind date raffle" to which jugyeong only furrows her eyebrows to as an initial reaction.

"so you're telling me that a bunch of random fans are buying magazines for a chance to win a blind date with models at move entertainment?" jugyeong cannot believe her ears. you can tell how bothered she is by how she grimaces at the thought of suho being stolen away.

"one entry per magazine," i tell her as i pulled out the folded flyer that suho gave me to yesterday.

my three friends gather around the flyer and analyze the flyer's raffle rules and event details.

"it wouldn't have been such a big deal if he told me himself, instead of telling you to break the news to me," jugyeong pouts to herself as her eyes gloss over the details. she looks across the cafeteria to where suho is eating lunch with myungsoo and their fellow student council members.

suho is nodding and listening tentatively to the other students around him. he's a lot more reserved and stoic around those that aren't close to him, so he tends to play more in that cold persona of his.

i've noticed that it's a psychological mechanism he's developed after all the turmoil with his dad abandoning and betraying him after his mother passed away. so when i see that he's able to find people that he can be his inner gentle self around, i feel happy for him.

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