Puzzles - Larry

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I yawned and reached my fingers out searching for Louis' warm body and when I couldn't find it I was puzzled. I sat up alone in the big double bed that Louis and I shared. This was surprising for I was the early riser between us. I went to wipe my hair out of my eyes when I brushed against a post-it note stuck upon my forehead. Feeling even more puzzled I removed the note which read:

'Good morning Pumpkin. Now you may be worrying your little head of curls but don't worry. Now have a shower and get downstairs!'

 Smiling I got out of bed and pulled on my boxers which had been thrown in the corner of the room prior to last nights vigorous activities. I walked sleepily into the bathroom and smiled as I read the little 'I love you' written in the mirror condensation. Smiling widely I washed my hair with my favourite apple scented shampoo and padded fully dressed downstairs.

Slowly I made my way downstairs and made myself a stack of my speciality pancakes. Golden and fluffy, piled high with strawberries and smothered with syrup and cream they were mine and Louis' favourite.

Thinking of Louis I wondered where he was when the doorbell rang. Jumping up I ran to the door and yanked it open to be greeted by a man clad in a tight black tuxedo wearing a silver masquerade mask. The man held out a small silver envelope and recognized Louis' unruly scrawl;

'Trust him'

I looked up at the man who held out a silver blindfold. Nodding I stepped forward and locked the door behind me. Then the man gently tied the blindfold around my head, took my arm and led me out the porch and into a silver Cadillac.

The car journey was a short on and I attempted to keep up with the twists and turns that we went. When we stopped I was gently tugged out of the car and another envelope was pressed into my hand and the man drove off. I tugged off the blindfold and noticed that I was in the park where Louis and I had properly met. Well I say 'met' Louis literally fell into my arms.


I was walking across the park watching the snowflakes fall to the ground. It was Christmas eve and the park was full of excited, little children running around catching snow on their tongues. I smiled and tugged my coat further around myself. I took the shortcut over the grass underneath the cherry trees.

A familiar voice floated through the trees "Dusty come here!"

I looked all around seeing no-one in sight. The voice floated through the trees again. I followed the sound and was alarmed to see a boy edging along a tree branch towards a cat. Even more to my alarm the branch began to shake and the boy lost his grip and began to fall. Running forwards I caught the boy in my arms.

The boy was wearing bright red chinos with a white top and black suspenders. He was quite short but with muscled arms. He had short, brown feathery hair. When he opened his eyes I was greeted by a pair of bright blue, cerulean eyes. I dropped him gently to his feet and was pleasantly surprised as he wrapped his arms around me. Chuckling I gently hugged him back, he held out his hand.

"Louis Tomlinson nice to meet you" I shook his hand.

"Harry Styles"

Louis laughed "I know!"

I quirked my eyebrow at his response and Louis blushed.

"I mean, I sat opposite you last year in Physics."