We've Got A Bit Of Love hate - Nouis

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I looked at Louis with anger, he was yet again flirting with another girl in front of me, our interviewer in fact. I was pulled out of my anger slightly when Liam elbowed my side.

"What?" I growled and Liam nodded towards the interviewer.

I looked at the interviewer and she smiled sickly sweet at me but it didn't reach her eyes. I gulped.

"I said, have you got your eye on anyone at the moment?" She sneered at leaning forwards and winking at Louis.

I looked at the floor and mumbled "No".

That was a lie, I did have my eye on someone, that someone was Louis Tomlinson. Unfortunately out of the cameras and attention of anyone, Louis and I didn't get on to say the least. It all started when he used to pick on me for little things and I would react by playing a prank on him. An endless cycle of torment upon torment.

I walked into our joint flat and threw myself on the couch and turned on the TV. Liam came down and sat next to gently rubbing my shoulders. He knew, Liam was my best friend and he knew of my confusing feelings towards Louis. I was going to tell him, but Liam was being observant and noticed how I acted around him. I also knew all Liams secrets how he was totally obsessed with Zayn and that him and Danielle were in fact best friends and she was his beard.

I wished in all the world for Liam to be happy. He deserved it, I didn't. Zayn threw himself on Liams lap and Liam blushed up to his neck.

"Vas happening boys?" He asked.

I smirked as he looked at Liam and smiled lovingly at him and then looked at me.

"Oh nothing much" I muttered playing with the cushion tassels quietly.

Liam patted my knee reassuringly.  

"It'll all work out" Liam said to me while running his hands through Zayns hair. Zayn leaned back into Liams touch in bliss. I giggled and both their eyes snapped up to look at me.

"What?" Zayn asked me defensively.

I giggled again. "Nothing you just look like a cat that's having his head rubbed"

Zayn blushed but closed his eyes again and Liam did it again. I smiled at them but my heart was heavy. Was it so wrong that I wanted that for Louis and I?

Louis and Harry came in laughing loudly and his eyes zeroed in on me. Louis took a running leap and landed on my lap. To stop him falling my arms locked around his waist automatically.

Louis sat up in my lap. He was sitting so close that our noses bumped against each others. Louis grabbed my face and gave me an Eskimo kiss.

"Thanks Niall" Louis singsonged rubbing his nose against mine.

Without thinking I shoved Louis off my lap not used to the contact we were sharing. Louis glared up at me from the floor winded. And without looking back he stalked out the room. Harry glared at me before running out the room after him.

I sunk back into the couch and tried to stop the tears from coming but failed. Liam looked over at me worriedly and pushed Zayn off his lap and went over to me and laid his hand on my arm. This made me even worse, not wanting any human contact I ran upstairs to my room and slammed my bedroom door shut.

Louis will never love me now, let alone like me.

I cried into my pillow for what felt like hours before getting out of bed and walking to my bathroom. I walked into the shower and took one spending a lot of time washing my hair with the new shampoo in there and washing with lynx body wash. It was the same one that Louis used and I felt the tears prick my eyes as the smell wafted up.