Little Things - Larry

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Can you please do a Niam or Larry one where one of them is insecure and the other one makes them feel better fluffily smuttily? - courtz79 

Sorry there no smut in this but it didn't quite fit in when i started to write it, if you want i can rewrite your oneshot and add smut? I hope you like this one anyway :) 


- Evie xox 

Little Things - Larry

Louis stood in front of the mirror naked apart from a pair of tight black boxers. He twisted around and around, his vision getting blurry from the tears as he desperately tried to see himself at a good angle, in a good way. The tears ran down his face, hot against his cold skin but still he didn't blink them away because he didn't deserve too because he was unworthy, ugly and untalented. His hands grabbed at the little pouch of stomach fat that jutted ever so slightly above his hipbones and he pulled at it in desperation just wanting it gone, wanting it to go away.

All Louis saw when he looked into the mirror was a ugly, overweight 22 year old man that was living off his best mates fame. He wasn't cute, he wasn't fit and he defiantly wasn't handsome. He didn't have anything going for him really: Harry was the hot, sexy one, Niall was the cute, Irish one, Zayn was the sexy, mysterious one and Liam was the muscled, dangerous god, all Louis had was 'funny' or 'the pranker' and no one ever liked whose people. They had nothing, and that was exactly how Louis felt. Louis had nothing worth living for, he was unworthy, ugly and untalented.


Harry stuck his head around the doorway of the bathroom and sighed to himself as he saw Louis sat there on the edge of the bath with his arms wrapped around himself, like he was desperately trying to hold himself together.

"Hey, aren't you ready yet?" Harry asked slowly as he came across the bathroom and sat next to Louis. Louis shook his head stubbornly and Harry smiled softly taking in the dried tear trails down Louis' face. 

"I don't want to go tonight Haz, I don’t wanna go!" Louis whined and looked into Harry's eyes who just nodded sadly. "I know baby, I know you don't. But we have to Lou, otherwise we're letting down the fans."

 Louis nodded sadly and under his breath muttered "Like they'd care," Harry's head whipped around and he crooked his finger under Louis' chin and forced his head up so that he could look into the cerulean eyes of the boy that he loved. "That’s a lie Louis, the fans absolutely adore you to bits, I adore you to bits and I need you as much as they need you."


 Louis smiled a little but I didn’t quite reach his eyes for no matter how many times Harry told him that the fans absolutely adored Louis to bits he couldn't quite catch himself as he reached for his phone and went onto twitter and read the millions after millions of hate tweets that he received. He knew that those people didn’t matter, that what they said wasn't true but after reading the same things over and over again they start to hurt, you start to believe them and you start to follow the peoples wishes.

Wishes like 'I wish you would die'

                Or 'I wish you weren't part of One Direction'

And Louis believed them because he was unworthy, ugly and untalented.


It was now early morning and Louis rubbed his eyes tiredly as he stripped from the dressed up blazer and skinny jeans that he wore to the award show. He splashed the cold tap water onto his face and towel dried it, and looked at himself in the mirror. His once tanned lively face was pale and tired looking with crinkles at the sides of his mouth and around his eyes. Big black bags hung under his eyes and the once bright and full of life eyes were dull. His caramel hair stuck up at awkward angles and it was limp and thin now when once it had been thick and luscious.

And as Louis was looking at all his imperfections in the mirror Harry came into the bathroom and stood behind him.

"Why can't you see yourself as beautiful as I think you are?" Harry asked softly and Louis shrugged. And all that Harry did was kiss the top of Louis' head and leave the bathroom because he didn't realise how much Louis hated himself because Louis was unworthy, ugly and untalented.


When Harry did find out instead of crying and breaking down he knew that he had to be there for Louis, had to be the one to make him feel special, wanted and most of all beautiful despite his flaws.

He had to be the one to make Louis see how imperfectly perfect he was.

So that night when they made love Harry was slow and loving, kissing up and down Louis' naked body because if only Louis could see himself the way that Harry saw him then everything would be better. When he pulled away and settled down to sleep Louis turned over and snuggled into Harrys chest Harry opened his mouth and uttered the words. "You're so damn beautiful Louis" and fell asleep but Louis lay awake mulling over Harrys words, and fell asleep peacefully.


And everyday since that one fateful night Harry would tell Louis at least once a day how beautiful he was, or how glad he was that Louis was in his life. Harry would take the time to spoil Louis, to take him out on dates or just make sure that he was there when Louis needed him most.

Harry would take this time to tell Louis how mush he loved him and every single day Harry would make sure that Louis felt loved.

And slowly but surely over this time when you hear the same thing over and over again or read the same thing over and over again you begin to believe the little things. For Louis now realised that he was indeed beautiful in his own way.

But all that mattered to him was the fact that Harry found him beautiful and that’s what got Louis smiling because maybe he wasn't unworthy, ugly and untalented.