Taking over me - Zarry

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I have been gone on this book for so long, i am so sorry! But i am back and i attempting to get through my lists of requests from you my lovely people. If you want to give me a request either inbox me or maybe comments down below your ideas i love you guys.

-Evie xox 

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REQUEST: (For WritenInTheStars)

Zayn's POV:

I flipped over in my bed and buried my face in my pillow so that I could stop the sunlight form shining in my eyes. It wasn't before long until I heard my phone ringing and vibrating annoyingly under my pillow, much to my annoyance I recognized the ringtone and knew it was important so I blindly found my phone and answered it.

"Perrie, what do you want?" I grumbled dragging myself out of my bed and opened the curtains looking out on the sunny London streets.

"Now that isn't any way to say hello to your best friend is it?" She practically sung down the phone and I could hear her smiling from here.   

I groaned in response and let my eyes flicker over to where a large digital clock hung on the wall and my jaw nearly dropped. "Jesus Perrie, its only 10 in the morning why'd you wake me up so early?"

She laughed down the phone and then got serious, "You might have to check twitter" She said and then hung up. I looked down at my phone in confusion and then shrugged and left my phone on the side before taking a long shower to loosen out the tight muscles in my back. I washed with Harry's favourite apple scented body wash and smiled as I breathed in the scent that reminded me of my boyfriend.

Shrugging on my favourite lazy day jeans and knitted jumper I ran my hands through my hair not bothering to gel it up because I wasn't going out anywhere. Taking a running leap I landed in the middle of the mound of duvet and blanket before getting my phone and onto twitter. I scrolled through my timeline not really looking until a hash tag caught my eye.


I blanched clicking on the tag and I was filled with millions of pictures and tweets all about mine and Perrie's 'engagement'. Interested I clicked on a photo that was tagged and there was a zoomed in photo of the promise ring that Perrie had worn to the This Is Us Premiere last night. I cursed and threw my phone on the bed as I watched millions and millions of new tweets come in all talking about our engagement.

Hell, we weren't even engaged.

"Shit" I cursed as I hovered my thumb over Perrie's contact and pressed the call button running my hand through my hair stressed at this new development. After a few moments of waiting Perrie answered the phone and without me even uttering a word she knew exactly why I was calling.

"What are we going to do?" Perrie asked down the phone calmly, keeping her head level in the situation and not yelling at me.

"I don't know" I answered leaning my head against the wall and banging it ever so gently, mentally cursing myself for letting management make me pretend date Perrie, when I was in fact dating Harry.

"Oh Shit Harry"

I hung without letting Perrie reply and in the next second I was pulling on my shoes with one hand and putting my glasses on with the other. I slipped my phone into my pocket and I was then legging it out the door not even bothering to lock it behind me.

My breath was coming in short harsh pants as I ran around the block to the doorway of Harry's flat praying that he was home. I got to the bright red front door and hammered my fist on it continuously until someone answered it. I fell forward and I looked into the piercing blue eyes of no other then Louis Tomlinson. I could hear the wracking sobs of Harry emitting form the other room and I tried to shove past Louis but he held me still.