Honeymooning - Niam

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Make a dirty one of Nouis and Niam? - @sugar1061

Hey! so this is the Niam half of your request :) Enjoy!

so this is pretty much pure smut so read at your own risk don't say i haven't warned you innconet readers :)

-Evie xxx

Liam’s POV: 

I bit back a moan of approval as yet again Niall walked into the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his still wet body. Rivulets of water run down his pale torso, trailing over his abs and coming to rest upon the towel that was slung dangerously low on his v-line. 

As he walked, Niall swung his hips from side to side, just gently shimmying causing the towel to slip lower and lower. I sat up quickly and he turned round and raised an eyebrow curiously. "What’s up Liam?" 

I felt my face turn red as he walked over and straddled me, his legs either side of my waist. He rolled his hips experimentally against mine, a pleased grin crossing his face as he felt my growing arousal. Niall licked his lips his sweet smelling breath ghosting my face as he leant forwards touching our foreheads together. “Are you trying to seduce me Horan?” I managed to gasp out as he licked his lips smiling wickedly. “That depends” he mused pretending to think about it as he closed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling before looking back at me his eyes dark with lust “Is it working?” I opened my eyes and looked at him mock amazement. “You think?” I asked I replied another moan escaping as Niall leant forward and nibbled the lobe of my ear.

Niall giggled before moving his move down my neck peppering little kisses here and there as he moved his mouth and used his teeth to loosen my tie and pull it off. Once the tie was discarded on the floor next to queen-size bed he used my moth to open a few buttons on my shirt and exposed my collarbones. Niall sat back a little on his heels and looked at me, red and moaning beneath him. “You’re Beautiful Li” Niall muttered sliding his hands up and down my torso, his hands leaving trails of sparks wherever he moved. I grinned as he muttered those words it was still weird to think that Niall Horan loved me. Me, Liam Payne the one that wasn’t perfect or beautiful. But I always felt beautiful around Niall. Niall connected our lips together and without permission plunged his tongue into my mouth, dancing in sync. Niall ripped of the rest of the shirt, at the sound of material ripping I pulled back and looked up at Niall in announce. “This was expensive” Niall rolled his eyes but allowed me to sit up and remove what was left of my shirt and chuck it on the floor along with my tie. I flipped us around so that I was on top of Niall. I felt his cool hands moving up and down my chest before going to my dress pants and pulling them down and chucking them too off. All that was left was my boxers and a towel that separating Niall and I having any more pleasure.

I was still straddling Niall and I used this to my advantage. I placed my hands either side of Niall’s head and pressed my lips to his pale skin. I placed a few open mouthed kisses along his collarbone nipping and licking occasionally. I grazed my skin over the thin skin sucking a mark in the crook between Niall’s collarbone and neck.  Moan after moan escaped Niall’s lips, his pleasure leaking out him. Being egged on by the sounds escaping Niall I tugged away the towel and my boxers that separated us and went to open his thighs. But Niall had different ideas.

Niall gently pushed on my shoulder making me fall sideways and then he rolled on top of me so that he was straddling me, so that he was on top and in control. “No, I’m running this” Niall smirked and kissed me hard. My hands flew into his hair and I twisted them into the wet sweat-sticky mess, I tugged gently a moan escaping Niall’s lips. Niall ran his hands up and down my sides making me moan in excitation. I felt Niall smile against my lips and without warning he pushed into me, Niall pushed in deeply until his hips were up against my bum.  I broke the kiss and cursed loudly into Niall’s neck my fingers tangling into Niall’s hair even more. I tugged hard on his unruly locks, moaning slightly louder with each of Niall’s thrusts, my body jolting every time our hips met. “Oh fuck Niall, Niall, Niall” I couldn’t control my cursing, words stumbling out of mouth weakly. I wrapped my hand around my own cock and began tugging increasing my pleasure. Niall moaned in my ear deeply and slowly, groaning as sexily as possible. Niall picked up his pace slamming into me fast and hard. Sweat was dripping off us, our breathing staggered and shallow. Niall’s thrusts become sloppy as our passion levels grew. “Shit” more swear words leaking from my mouth as we both released. Niall slowly moved riding out his orgasm, still moaning in time with me.

Niall rested his forehead on mine and kissed me softly, breathing heavily onto my lips. We were both out of breath and Niall collapsed on top of me, panting. I closed my eyes and slid my fingers into the spaces between Niall’s. Niall squeezed my hand back; we stayed there just lying in the silence that was full of unspoken words and love.

A few hours later when we had both cleaned up I looked down into Niall’s eyes. “I love you” I muttered pressing a kiss into his freshly washed fluffy blonde hair. Niall grinned up at me “and I love you too Husband”