Being Yours - Harry/Ryan

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This is a request for my friend Ryan who loves one direction! he wants it with Harry Styles and he wants it to be dirty! - @TheBananaKid209

hey so this is for your friend Ryan! Hope he enjoys 

(Please note this contains smut i have marked it though) 

Harry shaded his eyes as he walked out of Grand Central Station. The sun was beating down and as Harry shoved through the hoards of sweating people he searched through the crowd for that one particular person. It was then Harry saw him.

Ryan's short brown hair was peeking out from the black beanie he wore; his black skinny jeans clung to his legs in all the right places and he was wearing Harry's favourite shirt; the Ramones one. Ryan's head bopped to the loud music that was playing through his ear-buds. As Harry drew closer to Ryan, the slower he walked to enjoy the look of his boyfriend against that pole, smiling widely the braces on his teeth glinting, and the happiness in his dark eyes.  

Harry walked closer and he could  hear the music playing through Ryan's ear-buds. It was the song that he had sung with Sam McCarthy, the familiar haunting tune chilled him as he walked forward and put his arms around Ryan.

Ryan started but relaxed as the familiar arms of his boyfriend wound round his waist and tugged him close. Ryan closed his eyes and leant into Harry's warm chest, the warmth enveloping him into a comforting hug. Ryan pulled out his ear-buds and twisted out of Harry's arms. As he looked into Harry's startling green eyes he saw nothing but love and forgiveness.


They had been fighting about the same thing as usual. Last month Harry had announced to the world that Harry and Ryan were together and they had been getting hate wherever they walked Harry had been distant. Very distant. Ryan hadn't talked Harry in about two weeks, and considering Ryan had moved in with the boys so that they could be together Harry had been quite obviously avoiding him.

The two weeks had been filled with awkward glances, over politeness, nights full of two in a bed but never quite touching. Ryan missed Harry, he missed the Harry would lie in bed and wait for him to wake up just so that the minute Ryan opened his eyes Harry would wake him up properly with a good morning kiss. He missed the way Harry would always come home after a hard day at the recording studio or doing publicity stunts and they would curl up on their couch and talk about their days. He missed the way Harry would kiss and him and leave before running back a few seconds later just to kiss him again. He missed the way they snuggled up to watch cheesy chick flicks and Disney movies, he missed the way Harry held him when he was feeling down, he missed playing with Harry's hair just sitting there laughing while running his hands through Harrys soft, luscious locks. But most of all Ryan just missed Harry's voice whether it was his croaky morning voice, or when he sung in the shower, or when he laughed, or when he was telling Ryan that he loved him.

Harry smiled a little and gathered Ryan in his arms and dipped his head to press their lips together in a sweet kiss. Their lips moved together in sync, both of them desperately holding each other, pressing their lips together, hard enough to leave bruises. Both desperate to feel each other again. Harry broke away from the kiss his eyes wild "I'm so sorry, I was such a jerk" he muttered between kisses.

 Ryan smiled the corners of his mouth lifting. Ryan pulled away and cupped Harry's jaw, looking into his eyes "I love you so damn much" Ryan said honestly. The corners of Harrys mouth quirked and Ryan was glad to see Harrys face was finally lit up with the familiar dimpled grin that he loved.