Snuffles - Zianourry

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Can you do a sick Niall fluff, where all the boys look after him? - bigbeautifulboybands 

I hope you like this request, Its cute and fluffy :* 


- Evie xox ily guys 

Snuffles - Zianourry


Niall sneezed and rubbed his eyes, struggling to focus. His eyes and head hurt, not to mention that his lungs felt like they were full of smoke and his throat was swollen. He attempted to swallow, but tears sprang to his eyes as he couldn’t and he scrabbled at his throat in desperation, his head swirled and thudded and he tried again and again to swallow.

"Niall, babe what's the matter?" Liam stuck his head around the doorway of Niall's bedroom and a look of terror crossed his face and he sprinted across the room to where Niall lay on the bed, tangled in the bed sheets struggling to breath. He helped Niall up into a sitting position and watched as he swallowed a little easier. Using the pads of his thumbs Liam wiped away the tears that were still falling from Niall's eyes and held him close, just gently cooing into his ear to help calm him down.

He gently rocked Niall back and forth in his arms and smoothed Nialls hair off his red face and pressed and kiss to his warm forehead, "Baby, I think your burning up." He gently told Niall who just nodded and coughed pathetically before nuzzling his face into Liams shirt.

Liam chuckled before sitting Niall against his headboard and got up to leave the bedroom but Niall seized his shirt in horror and pulled him back down on the bed with him. Niall shook his head in desperation and looked earnestly at Liam with big blue puppy eyes and Liam relented before pulling out his phone, "I'm staying here. Lets just call the others over so they can help me take care of you," and typed in the familiar numbers before talking to his best friends.

Liam put down the phone and looked over at Niall who was leaning contentedly against the headboard of his bed with a small smile playing over his lips, and Liam chuckled before getting under the duvet next to Niall and curving an arm over his shoulders. "All you really wanted was for all of us to take care of you wasn’t it?" Liam asked, and Niall nodded happily before laying his head on Liams shoulder and wheezing into it as a coughing fit came over him.


It was nearly half-an-hour later until the others came bursting into the Niall's flat, they all looked at each other before walking up the bedroom and bustling in. Niall and Liam still lay on the bed but Liam had Niall against his chest and he was telling him a story and Nialls eyes were bright and he listened earnestly, nodding occasionally.

Nialls eyes sprang to the doorway as the others walked in and he coughed at them in greeting and held out his arms wanting to be hugged. Zayn chuckled before bouncing onto the bed and gathered up Niall into his arms and pressed a sloppy kiss to both of his cheeks and one to the corner of his mouth. Niall smiled before wincing and clutched at his head and Liam sighed before gesturing for Louis to give him the bottle of medicine that he'd asked him to pick up for Niall.

Nialls eyes widened and he scrambled away from Liam and across the bed before grabbing a pillow and cowering behind it, coughing occasionally as he looked out from behind it, widening his eyes deliberately. Liam looked into them and then shook his head and gestured for Harry and Louis to grab Niall. They moved and held Nialls arms and looked away as he looked up at them with a hurt expression but held him still as he struggled and screeched wordlessly. Zayn placed a comforting hand on his cheek and Niall leaned into the touch but glared at Liam as he crawled across the bed towards him, holding the medicine on the spoon. Luckily he couldn't smell the fake fruit smell that the medicine gave off, but judging from the look on the other faces it smelt bad.

"Come on Baby, it'll make you better." Liam wheedled as he sat opposite and lifted the spoonful of medicine to Nialls mouth. Niall grimaced and turned his head away and looked away but Zayn moved his face so that he faced Liam again. "Baby, please, for me? For us?" Liam gestured towards him and the others and pouted cutely, Niall tried to look away from Liam but found it impossible to tear his eyes away from that expression and as Liam let his lower lip just out Niall sighed a little before grabbing Liams hand, tipped the medicine down his throat and swallowed it with a triumphant smile and a shiver of disgust.

Liam crowed in delight before crushing Niall to his chest and pressing kisses to his hair, "Well done Baby."

Niall smiled before crawling away from Liam and held out his arms to be greeted by Harry and Louis. Louis was the first person to throw his arms around him and greeted him with a customary kiss on the forehead and a tight squeeze before moving onto to greet Liam. Harry just stood there and waggled his eyebrows at Niall before walking forward and gathered Niall in his arms and pecked his lips once, "Hey babe." Harry muttered slowly and Niall blushed and buried his face in Harrys collarbone. He felt Harry chuckle into his hair and they moved to sit on the bed with the others.

They all snuggled together, entwining limbs and getting in each others personal space until they were all comfortable laying on Nialls bed. Niall was curled in the middle with his face in Liams chest, and on the other side of his was Harry who hand one arm wrapped loosely around Niall and the rest of his body curled around Louis who was the other side of him. Zayn was on the other side of Liam, spooning him and it was just like this that they felt whole, they felt as one.