Sweet Like Cinnamon - Larry

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This is the oneshot I wrote for day four of my 30 day writing challenge 

‘Now my life is sweet like cinnamon 

 Like a fucking dream I'm living in 

 Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio 

 (How do you like me now?) 

 Pick me up and take me like a vitamin 

 'Cause my body's sweet like sugar venom oh yeah 

 Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio 

 (How do you like me now?)


No-one expected it to work, the punk and the nerd that everyone bullied. No one expected them to last and to love each other, but then nobody really knew the late night lovemaking or the cuddling. They only saw the hardened exterior of Louis and jumped to conclusions, people were blind. Blinded by the social norms and tales told, blinded and scared of punks, of the tattoos and the piercings. But to Harry, Louis was his angel, his tattooed angel.    

To Louis Harry were a drug, a vitamin that he couldn’t stay away from, and a drug that he was utterly and completely addicted too. The way that Harry cared for him no matter what Louis did, even if he fucked up Harry would be there to hold him, to comfort him, to love him with his whole heart and to never stop loving him.


The first time they met, it was Harry’s shift at the local coffee shop and he was minding the till, looking around the shop absentmindedly at the customers when the door opened and a small boy, covered in tattoos walked into the shop and collapsed at an empty table, glaring as people looked at him and sending them scatting out the open doorway.

All of the employees at the cafe looked at each other before in unison looking at Harry who groaned and shook his head adamantly. “No! Are you mental? He’s going to kill me!” Harry whispered yelled and Niall, his best friend and roommate shook his head and Harry and chuckled. “Don’t be stupid Haz, just go over there and be your usual charming self, I promise he won’t kill you.” And with that Niall dragged Harry to his feet and pushed him over to where the tattooed boy sat, swatting Harry on the bum with the towel that hung over his shoulder.

Harry grumbled but walked over to the boy and put a dimpled smile on his face, “Hi, what can get you today?” Harry asked jauntily and froze as the boys glare landed on him. The boy stared at him for a while before a slow smile crossing his face. Harry stared into the boys blue eyes and melted as he smiled at him and then completely missed what the boy said. “Sorry, what?” Harry asked, his face turning pink and he blushed but the boy chuckled and repeated his order. “Just a coffee, and you if you’re on the menu,” the boy said cheekily and if Harry could get any more redder, or any more embarrassed he just reached a whole new level. “Um, uh...” Harry stuttered and the boy chuckled again before placing his hand over Harry’s and squeezed it reassuringly. “I was just joking babe but a coffee would be nice.” Harry nodded before walking over to where Niall stood in a daze and just mumbled the boys order and sat down at the counter wordlessly.

After the boy finished the drink, he caught Harry’s eyes and waved him over to pay and press and tip and a napkin into his hand. “The names Louis,” he winked and left the shop with a small wave and left Harry standing there with the napkin and tip in his hand, later when Harry inspected that napkin it held Louis’ number and a winky face which made the redness spread over his cheeks one more time much to the delight of Niall.


Harry and Louis were perfect for each other, the dark and light complimenting each other and as they grew closer, their love only drew closer. And it was three months into their relationship that they finally kissed for the first time; most people would say that was a long time. But this was Harry’s first kiss and he wanted it to be special, for it to be with somebody that he really loved and as he looked into Louis’ startling blue eyes that were full of adoration that night he drew Louis close and whispered in his ear.

“Kiss me.” And drew away and Louis looked at him surprised. “Are you sure?” Louis asked, for he knew just how much this kiss meant to Harry, and he wasn’t going to steal that away from him, not when he wasn’t ready.

“Yes,” Harry breathed and leaned forward so that their foreheads touched and Louis couldn’t look anywhere but into his eyes. Louis smiled and leaned forward so their noses brushed and he could feel Harry’s breath on his lips and could feel how heavy he was breathing. “Are you really sure?” Louis asked but then Harry couldn’t bother answering him and just closed his eyes and brushed their lips together, sending sparks down each other’s spines and Louis couldn’t help but melt into the soft, barely there kiss.

“Wow” Harry pulled away and looked at Louis with his green eyes and Louis couldn’t help but agree, for that was one of the best kisses that he had ever experienced. Harry smiled at him and Louis eyes looked at those pink, pouty lips again and chuckled into the kiss as Harry saw where he was looking and had swooped in again to join their lips together.


Harry and Louis lay in their bed staring at the ceiling, their bodies were intertwined and Harry’s hands were on Louis’ bare chest, gently tracing the tattoos that littered it. “What’s this one for?” Louis looked down to see Harry had his fingers tracing across his ‘It is what it is’ tattoo. “I got that because years ago I used to date a girl and then broke up with her because I was gay,” Harry chuckled and then moved his fingers to a small musical note that Louis had tattooed on the inside on his bicep. “What about this one?” and Louis looked at Harry and then looked at the ceiling. “I got that because I was in a band at the high school and my favourite subject was music.” Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to Louis’ cheek.

“Sing to me?” Harry asked and Louis chuckled before pressing a short kiss to Harry’s lips and hummed under his breath and then yelped as Harry hit his stomach.


Louis sat on the small barstool on the side of the stage and looked into Harry’s reassuring eyes and just kissed him, wrapping his fingers into his short curls and tugged at them smiling into the kiss as Harry opened his mouth and slipped his tongue into Louis’ mouth. They kissed recklessly for a few minutes before Louis pulled away and looked into husbands eyes. “Thank you for being my biggest fan.” Louis whispered and Harry smiled before pecking Louis’ nose and passed him the guitar. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Harry whispered and then pushed Louis onto the stage and the arena erupted in screams. Louis looked at Harry once more mouthing an ‘I love you’


‘Now my life is sweet like cinnamon 

 Like a fucking dream I'm living in 

 Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio 

 (How do you like me now?) 

 Pick me up and take me like a vitamin 

 'Cause my body's sweet like sugar venom oh yeah 

 Baby love me cause I'm playing on the radio 

 (How do you like me now?)