Daddy Direction - Ziam

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Can you possibly do a daddy kink (age play or not)????!?!?!!?!? - @Crazy_Mofo_Riley

Thankyou you for your request. This is a different oneshot to any i have written but I hope you enoy the Daddy Kink I wrote!!

This oneshot contains smut its clearing marked though.

so read on and don't forget to vote, comment, follow means the world! 

-Evie xxx

Everyone knew that Liam was the innocent one; the one that kept all the boys in line, the one that would blush furiously even at the word ‘sex’ everyone knew that Liam was Daddy Direction.

But only Zayn knew the other side of ‘Daddy Direction’.

Zayn moaned as perspiration dripped down the back of his neck as he rolled out of his boyfriends tight embrace, the french windows were wide open and the sheer curtains fluttering in the warm breeze that was making its way into the boys bedroom. Zayn got up walked over in the sweltering Australian heat and went through to the balcony the day still too early for anyone to be awake.

It was hot. Way to hot.  The morning Australian sun beat down on Sydney harbour making shadows in the bright blue sea. Zayn heard a moaning being him and he turned to see Liam stretching his hand over the bed searching for Zayn. Zayn chuckled a little and walked back over and sat on the edge drawing a long morning kiss out of Liam. Liam wrapped his arms around Zayn and dragged him down so that Zayn was lying on top of him. “Morning” Liam murmured peeping through his lashes and up to the perfect boy that was on top of him. Zayn smiled and brought his mouth back down onto Liam’s enjoying the way they fitted perfectly together like two puzzle pieces.

Too soon for Liam’s liking Zayn drew back and rolled away a hand through over his eyes. “It’s too hot” Zayn moaned peeking through his fingers to look at Liam who was smirking down at him. Liam was used his boyfriends incessant moaning, this was not the first time Zayn had moaned about the heat in Australia and it sure was as hell was not going to be the last. Liam pecked Zayn’s sweating forehead and pulled on a pair of sweats and headed downstairs to go and wake the others.

Liam first stopped in Larry’s room, hesitantly knocking before making his way in and silently awing at the sight of the couple spooning on the big double bed. Liam took out his phone and snapped a photo before dumping a glass of water that Louis had left on the bedside table so helpfully over the couple. Louis shot up in bed his eyes flashing dangerously as he looked at Liam. “You’re so dead Payne” Louis growled as he flopped back down on the bed nearly landing on Harry in the process, Liam grinned back at him and walked out the room forgetting to remind them about the photo shoot in the morning and walked back in forgetting that this was Louis and Harry. “We have a photosh—arghh” Liam yelled as he covered his eyes at the sight of Harry and Louis getting it on. Louis snickered and Harry sucked air in between his teeth. “God Li, you’re so innocent, it’s hard to believe you and Zee ever get it on” and with that re-attached his lips to Louis’ neck. Liam shook his head, his face up to the tips of his ears bright red.  “No marks” he mumbled before leaving the room and making his way across the hall to the room that Josh and Niall had chosen to share as ‘friends’.

Bracing himself Liam walked into the room his hand over his eyes. As he slowly removed his hand, he surveyed the empty room taking in the fact that one of the double beds was still pristinely made whilst the others covers where rumpled and the fact that both pillows had head dents didn’t exactly convince Liam with the argument that Josh and Niall were ‘just friends’.  It then occurred to Liam that neither Josh nor Niall was in the room. That was strange; as ‘Daddy Direction’ it had become a tradition that Liam always woke the others up in the morning before making them breakfast. Or maybe it was the fact that Liam never let anyone else cook because they had to be careful that they 1) didn’t burn down the whole building or 2) get food poisoning and all be puking up their guts for days afterwards. So Liam curiously looked around the room keeping his eyes and ears peeled open for any sign of life. It was when he neared the en-suite that he heard them; the distinct shower early morning sex happening. The moans loudly covering up the pattering shower. Even though he was still greatly disturbed he couldn’t stop a small grin sliding on his face at the thought of Niall and Josh finally getting together. They had been the odd ones out for too long.