10 Years Later..... - Ziall

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-Evie xxx

Zayn's Pov:

It was just a normal day in the life on Zayn Malik. Get up, have breakfast, sit in my work chair for the day, go to gym, go to bed. But today was going to be different. It was 10 years. 10 years since One Direction had split up and taken their separate ways. Liam had become a policeman and had married Danielle, Louis had become a professional footballer, while Harry opened his own little bakery. Those two were also happily married to each other. And then there was Niall. No-one knew what happened to Niall when they split up he upped and left. Caught the first plane and left the UK. I pulled myself out of bed and switched on my TV.

"-today is the 10 year anniversary of the split of One Direction. Directioners are mourning outside of xfact-" I switched off the TV before leaning back on my chair and looking at the ceiling. I desperately wanted to see my four best mates again, even if seeing one brought unimaginable pain. Even if it means getting my heart broken by Niall again.

I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, a varsity jacket and a tight white t-shirt. I pulled on a beanie and ran my hands through my long mussy fringe. Over the years I had changed a lot. Gone was the clean quiff and stubble, but in with the mussy long-fringed just got out of bed look and a clean face. In was the tattoo covered body, everyone of them meaning something more and more emotional every time I got a new one. I took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my motorcycle keys and running out the door.

The journey was short and it wasn't long before I had pulled up on the pavement outside Liams house. I didn't mean to keep tabs on the boys, but I did and at this moment in time I was glad that I had.

I slowly opened the little white gate and walked up the winding path to the doorway looking at the flowers and blossom that filled the garden. At about five steps away from the front door I stopped and thought about what I was doing. Was this such a good idea? But before I could change my mind the door opened.

The door opened and out tore two young children, a boy and a girl followed by a familiar looking curly haired lady. The lady dropped the laundry basket before running over to me and hugging me tightly around the middle. I buried my face in her curly hair and breathed in her perfume that she still wore even now. "Hey Danni" I breathed as she pulled away and wiped her eyes furiously. "Zayn! I honestly cannot believe its really you! Li will be so happy to see his best mate again!" I nodded finally feeling that this was a good idea. I looked around to see that the two children had stopped playing and had crept closer towards us. Danni smiled at them before taking their hands and I could see them.

Closer you could tell they were twins, they were aged between four and five and possibly the cutest children ever. The boy had floppy brown hair, brown eyes, while the little girl had curly brown hair, brown eyes and dimples. "Rosie, Max this is your Uncle Zayn" I felt my heart swell at that name as I crouched down to Rosie's and Max's height. They were truly the cutest children ever. I smiled gently and Rosie threw herself into my arms and kissed my cheek. I chuckled and I felt the tears run down my face as she did that. Rosie pulled away and caught the tears with her fingertips. I stood up with Rosie in my arms and Max on my back as a familiar figure was in the doorway.

I watched as Liam took two shaky steps forward and I watched as he raked his hand through his short quiffed hair. "Zee? Is that really you?" I nodded and after the children climbed down I stepped forward and hugged Liam tightly. I felt his tears dripping into my hair and I felt mine getting his t-shirt wet. I stepped back but I kept my arms of Liams shoulders and I studied him. He didn't look that different just a bit more tanned and tired. He had more crinkles around his eyes when he smiled. His hair was the same sandy blonde colour and was pushed up into a quiff. Through his thin white shirt I could make out several new tattoo additions. The most noticeable all our names written in a beautiful cursive script around his right bicep. I could feel Liam studying me too and I felt him smile as he brought me in for another hug.