Chapter 1 - False life.

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I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing, as I check my phone and answer it.

"Hey, I need a favor (Y/N)." The person asked on the phone.

"Sure, what do I need to do?" I said.

"Find and hunt down the Phantom Thieves."

I was in confusion, the phantom thieves?

"Do you mean that group that made that teacher at shu jin and the artist confess their crimes?" I asked the voice.

"Yes, I need you to take them out. They will definitely become a problem in my plan later on."

"Alright then...Shido, I will hunt them down." I end the conversation and close my phone.

"*sigh* Now I gotta hunt down a group? Great."

"Now Arriving: Shibuya, I repeat, Shibuya." The voice announcer said as I got off the train and went down to my apartment. I have to get ready for the interview with a tv show.


(June 9) Tv studio

"Ugh this trip sucks, we could've just got our own way here." A shujin student said as I heard.

"Hmm, if shujin academy students are here, I might find how all of this originated." I muttered to myself as I resumed walking to my area for the show.

I reach the area as I see a bunch of shujin students on tour, looking around the studio.

"Man, this is the worst!" One of the students said in the background.

(Timeskip to recording)

"Now, (Y/N) you know about the Phantom Theives correct? If so, what is your opinion on them?" The host asked me.

I decided it would be best to say the truth.

"I think the Phantom Theives are nothing more than a facade, people who think they can uphold justice. They hide in the shadows as they 'steal people's hearts'." I said as the audience in the back gasped.

"So how old do you think the group might be?" The host asked a rather dumb question, but I answerd again.

"Well I know adults wouldn't try to do something this dumb, so I can most likey guess it is likey in the ages between 15 - 18, however I think, what does the people have a say on the phantom thieves and not me?" I said as the host told everyone to vote.

"Woah! It was almost a full house decision, but I guess everyone agrees with you (Y/N)!" The host said as the show went on for a bit more.

"Here, let's ask some people in the audience questions." A boy was chosen as he stood up, he wore a normal shujin academy uniform with glasses, and some messy black hair.

"I believe that the Phantom Theives are just."

My eyes widend at that statement. Why would a genric looking kid like him support something so..odd?

"Oh? Well how do you think they are just?" I respond back.

The boy responded fast. "Their doing more than the police.

Some people in the audience gasp.

I sigh as I grabbed the mic from the host.

"Then prove it. Prove to me that the Phantom Theives are just, because all I see is chaos. The Phantom Theives should be tried in court.

A boy with blond hair next to the glasses kid told him to stop, and I guess their friends because he gave the mic back and sat down.

That kid...he's interesting. I said in my mind as I gave the mic back.

"W-well that's all for today. See you next time!" The host said as the recording stopped.

"That went...okay." I said.

"(Y/N), that was awesome! Our ratings will be so high now that your on our show!" The producer said as I mentally sighed.

"Well, if you excuse me, I have to leave."

I start to walk away, as I can hear someone talk about...pancakes?

"Did I hear something about delicious pancakes?" I said as I reached the group of teens.

The one in the middle is the one I had a disagreement with while the other two I don't know.

"Oh, it's you." The blond hair boy said, as his face changed from a smile to a frown.

"Wait what? Nobody was talking about pancakes." The girl said.

"Oh. My mistake." I said.

"Well anyways, I think I enjoy talking to you. What's your name?" I asked the 'leader' of the group.

"Akira Kurusu. Nice to meet you, (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you too."


3rd pov

ring ring ring

Shido picks up the phone, as he puts the phone to his ear.

"What do you want?" He said in a strong tone.

"Shido, I have found a group of teens who are oddly suspicious. I've made friends with the ring leader, Akira Kurusu." (Y/N) said over the phone.

"That sounds oddly similar, but no matter. Keep investigating them, and when the time is right, finish them off."

"Yes sir." The phone convo ends as Shido puts the phone back.

"Now then..." Shido picks up the phone and calls someone.

"Have you set up the fake medjed site yet?"

"Almost finished, boss. When we send this out, they'll freak out."

I will cut you loose." Shido says as he ends the call." __cpp="1">"Good, make sure to leave no traces or I swear I will cut you loose." Shido says as he ends the call.

End of Chapter 1

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