Chapter 7 - Denying Fate Ends Up Badly

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Akira p.o.v

My head hurts, and as I try to open my eyes, a bucket of water is splashed onto me. I fully wake up, trying to remember...god what happened?

"Let's see, treason, blackmail, possession of a gun, theft, and to think all of these crimes could come from a brat like you." A detective said as they were... interrogating me?

I try to say something but my throat is dry as a desert.

"I'd bet you enjoyed it too, didn't you?" He got in my face.

'Enjoyed it...?' I don't unde..rstand..

The man kicks me as I fell off the chair, groaning in pain.

I look at the camera, as the guy looks at it and then at me.

"What, you think the camera will help?" The guy said in a mocking tone.

"..." I was gonna yell but he punches me in the face, and then grabbed me by my hair. He throws me back as they set up the chair and put me back on it, also releasing the chain holding my hands to the chair.

"We need you to sign this." He gives me a paper sheet with a confirmation that I will be upheld by the law or something.

I signed it as they left the room, I could hear something about..being somewhere you don't belong...?

A girl walked in, and I could easily remember her.

She gasped at me, as I feel guilty.

"What did they do to you?! I knew I shouldn't have been promoted.." She said as I was in confusion.

"Please, I need you to start from the beginning. How did all of this happen?" She said as I began to explain, from what happened in April to now.

My memories finally start coming back to me, but only one person was on my mind.




"Everything is set, Y/N, you know your goal."

"Yes, yes I already know. I said as I hang up the phone.

I walk into the elevator, as I close the door, and click on the bottom floor.

I put in some music, as it plays Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana.

I reach the last floor, as I walk to the final room, and run into Sae.

"Oh, hello Sae."

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you see, they assigned me here to talk to him."

"They made you take over my job?" She said as I put on a fake sad smile.

"Unfourntatly, yes. I'm sorry if it looks like im being a jerk, I'm not trying to.

"Just..don't scare him alright? He's been through a lot." Sae said as she went into the elevator.

"..." I walk to the last room as the wasteful excuse of a guard is also there.

I wish I could eat your

Cancer when you turn black

"Do you mind if you go in with me? I'd like to not be alone in a room with a criminal thanks."

Me and the guard enter the room as I close the door behind us. I quickly take the gun from the guard and shoot him.

Hey! Wait!

I got a new complaint!

Forever in debt to your priceless advice.

Akira looks at me dumbfounded.

The guard's body falls to the floor.

"You know, it's sad. To meet up like this again." I point the gun at him, as his eyes are wide.

Hey! Wait!

I got a new complaint!

Forever in debt to your priceless advice.

"Case closed, this is where your justice ends." I turn off the safety.

I shoot the gun, only for it to hit the camera.

Akira looks at me again, confused.

Your advice....

"What. You really think I'd kill you? Maybe rebellion is the second best thing going here." I said as I uncuff the chains and the handcuffs on Akira as he finally spoke.

Your advice...

"...Thanks." He said as he hugged me. I hugged him back.

(end of Heart-shaped box)

"No problem, there's no way I would murder someone like you. Now, I have a question. How do we get out of here without getting caught?" Akira grinned as I realize the guard turned into nothing.

"So you guys already had a plan in motion. Smart." I say as we both got in the elevator and waited for the top floor.

"...Thank god you didn't betray us." Akira said.

"Well, I originally was going to kill you guys later on, but maybe, maybe theres no need. Maybe I don't have to kill Shido. I could just expose who he really is, as I watch his life crumble around him!" I laugh as Akira put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't go all murder crazy on me please." We both laughed as the elevator goes back up as we run to the outside of the palace.

Akira clicked on the metanav app as we got sent out of the palace.

But when we got out, he almost fell to the ground as I grabbed him.

"Hey, you alright?"


"You better be lucky your too tired for me to do this." I slightly blush as I pick him up bridal style as I run to Leblanc.


Third P.O.V

All of the phantom thieves were at the cafe, as they hoped their plan had worked.

"...Guys I think I hear something." Ryuji said as everyone saw the door open to see Y/N carrying Akira.

"Don't worry he's not dead, just tired."

All of the Phantom Thieves started to talk at the same time.

"But I thought you were going to betray us!" Makoto said.

"Well...your leader 'changed' my heart." Y/N said as only Futaba got what he said.

"That sounds chessy!" She said from upstairs.

"Nevermind that. Can someone help me get him upstairs before I accidentally drop him?" Y/N said as Haru and Makoto helped him bring the unconscious Akira upstairs onto his bed.

Futaba looked at the camera for the room, as she had put a fake video of Akira being dead.

"There, now everything should be in working order." She said while humming.

"I know you all might hate me for this, but...I'm the one behind the mental shutdowns. If you didn't already figure it out." Y/N said.

Futaba didn't say anything, as she already knew. However the rest of the group had some...comments.

"You caused all of this, and you expect saving our leader was your apology!?" Ryuji yelled as he tried to punch Y/N. He missed as Makoto and Ann held Ryuji back.

"..." Y/N said nothing as he walked passed everyone and left the cafe, slamming the door behind him.

End of Chapter 7

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