Chapter 3 - Ending All Lies

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(Am I evil? - Metallica)

I walked on a lonely night in Shibuya, and I see two weirdly odd people walk up to me. I realize they're Shido's grunts.

"Alright, this is odd. Something's up. Luckily my gun is already loaded..." I thought as the two guards are standing face to face with me, they were grinning.

"(Y/N), Shido has decided to let you go."

What!? I panic in my head, as I try to figure o- oh wait I'm betraying him in plain sight.

"*sigh* And let me guess, you want me dead, correct? I could just easily storm Shido's palace and kill him."

(( Am I evil? Yes I am!)

"Which is why we're doing THIS!" A grunt kicked me in the gut as I coughed out blood.

"AUGH-" Another guard punched me in the face as they started to beat me up. They stopped for a second to recover so I punch one in the face as another one grabbed me by the throat.

(( Am I evil? Yes, man! Yes I am!))

I yelp as I take out my gun. Luckily this gun has a silencer.

"You'll pay for that!" I yell as I shoot the first guard in the leg, as he loses his grip on me. The second guard tried to attack me as I catch their hand and throw them into a wall.

I pant as I start to run from the two guards, I can't think of anywhere else to go...

But then fate brought me to a place I thought was good to hide.

Cafe Leblanc.

(end of Am I evil?)


Akira P.O.V

I'm downstairs, cleaning the dishes from today. I sighed as I think how we're gonna save Futaba and find out who 'Alibaba' is. I really gotta help Ryuji with his homework-

I hear the bell ring as someone walked in.

"I'm sorry but wer-" I looked behind me to see a broken and messed up (Y/N), limping as he walked towards me.

"huff ...ow. T-think you could lend me a hand?" He said as he almost fell.

"(Y/N)!? Are you okay!?" I ran over to him and picked him up as we went upstairs and set him on the bed.

"What happened?" I said as I put bandages over his head and some more on his leg.

"..I tripped..on concrete." (y/n) said as I didn't trust him, but I guess it's better not to pressure more.

"..Thanks, for this."(y/n) said as I looked at him confused.

"For what?"

"For being a decent human being of course." We both looked at each other for a second before we both laughed.

After some laughing, I said, "You're welcome."

"...Hey Akira? Is it best I stay here for tonight?"

"Sure, I don't see anything wrong with that."

I grab a spare blanket as (Y/N) limp-walks onto the couch and when I look at him, he...fell asleep...he looks kind- ARGH what am I doing!?" I thought in my head as I put the blanket over (y/n) and fell asleep on my bed.


(a couple of days later.)

Y/N p.o.v

"Well, it looks like I just need to do this real quick." I take out the sim card and put it near a building far from the apartment I secretly bought.

"There, now Shido's annoying goons shouldn't be finding me a lot now.."

I start walking towards the I start to think of...all of the people I've murdered.

I enter the metaverse and I didn't even realize I was on the path of Chemdah as I was punching the floor.

"...All of those people... can't get their life's my fault, my fault, ITS MY FAULT!" I yell as a couple of shadows try to ambush me.

"YOU PATHECHIC SCUM!" I yell again as a red aura surrounds me and I start laughing.

"Come...LOKI!" Loki appears out of nowhere as my costume turns from white to black.

No words were spoken by me as Loki used Megidolan on all of the shadows, turning them into ash.


End of Chapter 3

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