Chapter 2 - The Flying Bank of Shibuya

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You are maybe thinking, 'oh what would (Y/N) be doing in his free time away from being the detective prince'? Well, mostly either enjoying himself or went to a flying bank in the middle of Shibuya.

I go to an alleyway and click on the metaverse app, the world freezes for two seconds before everything changes into a green sky with the bank in the air.

A bunch of stairs started to appear as I walk up.

"Hold it right there! You're a Phantom Theif, aren't you!?" The shadow guard said.

"No, I am not part of that stupid group. I am (L/N)."

"I don't trust you!!" The shadow tried to attack me as I take out my gun and shoot it.

"GAUHG" The shadow turns into ooze and fades away. I find it quite enjoyable to murder such shadows.

I walk to the room Kaneshrio had set up for me for whenever I arrive at his distorted world. I must say, he must never like to show up in person.

The tv turns on as Kaneshiro's voice is heard.

"Ah, nice to meet you again, Executioner. How's it going?"

"I have a hunch you might be next on the list of the Phantom Thieves of hearts."

Kaneshiro's voice/face turned sour.

"What!? I could be next?! I need to increase my security."

"You really need to, and make sure they're not braindead either, I had to kill one out of self-pity."

"R-right away!"

"Also....don't lose, okay?"

I walk out of the room and jumped off the flying bank as I teleport back into the real world.

"Sigh Another useless waste of time, curse that Shido..." I mumbled to myself.

(Timeskip to a couple of days later.)

???'s P.O.V

"Time to finish this!" Mona yelled as we all attacked the piggy bank together, wiping out its final remaining health of it.

"W-what!? Piggytron! Nooooooooo" The piggytron explodes, as we all put our weapons away and look at the remains of the exploded piggy.

Kaneshiro's shadow whimpers in pain as he saw us and started to back up.

"Wait no! P-please don't hurt me! J-just take all of the cash!"

"Maybe you should've thought about that before you hurt all of those people!" Queen says as she hits the floor next to him, scaring him.

"W-what about the one in the black mask?!" He said, as we all looked at him with confusion.

"The one with a black mask? Hey wait, didn't Madarame say something about that?" Skull said as I walked up to Kaneshiro.

"Actually...he would do anything to get what that freak wants, money, power, tying up loose ends, you name it. He's the one behind all of those mental shutdowns that happened, like that subway accident!" He said as my eyes go wide from this.

"The person with a black mask has been causing all of this!?" I said as the palace started to crumble.

"We don't have enough time, c'mon grab the treasure!" Mona hissed at us as we grabbed the treasure and ran out of the Palace.


3rd P.O.V

"What do you mean Kaneshiro was on those cards?! I told him to keep his act together!" Shido yelled as he slams the phone onto the phone holder as he groaned.

"Jeez, and that brat (Y/N) even told him TO BE EXTRA CAREFULL."

Shido sighs as he calls the decective.

"(Y/N), I thought you were going to capture those Phantom Thieves! Why have they taken down Kaneshiro!?"

"I'm sorry, but you told me to find and hunt them down, correct? I still need time, and I need a way to get into their little group."

"Why can't you just shoot their shadows?"

"Because, all of them are persona users."

"So!? I don't care if you have to shoot them in real life, I JUST WANT THEM DEAD!" He yelled in the phone


"Sigh just go and hunt down this person for me, they tried to betray our group and report us."

">"Yes sir." (Y/N) hangs up the phone call.


(Y/N) P.O.V

"Ooh, another person to take down. How exciting.." I said as I entered the meatverse again, wearing my black mask attire.

"Now..mementos here I come." I enter the subway as these doors appear for each floor of this cursed subway.

"Hmmm, it says the targets on the path of Chemdah." I enter the door that says Chemdah as I approach the target.

"N-n-noo! T-they sent you after me!?" The guy had said in fear as he stepped back.

"Shido's orders are absolute after all, it's your fault you betrayed the group. Now no one will know what we've done to get this far." I said as I took out a gun, and shot the person's head. They fell to the floor like a domino.

"And to think he would've gotten away with it. Hah!" I kicked the dead body as it turns into goo and disappears.

"Another one down, but not the main target."

End of Chapter 2

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