☆Walk in the Rain☆

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When I first met the Golden Guard I was very apprehensive then after the day Luz took that bounty for the Selkidomus she told me how he threatened her, Eda and King and it changed my opinion completely (and I know I shouldn't have had any sort of a good opinion on that guy in the first place because he is part of the Emperor's Coven but I don't know he didn't seem that bad??) I wanted to stay away from him, he might not know I'm friends with Luz but if that info slips I might get caught in this mess.

But that didn't last long when I ran into the familiar boy wearing a mask and cloak in an all too familiar situation.

"Oh, it's you again."

I stand awkwardly in front of him. "Uhm, well this is normally the way I walk home." It felt weird talking to him so casually. He didn't speak so my brain ran wild with all the ways this interaction could go wrong. I stare at the black slits that acted as eye holes for the boy, 'have I been looking at him too long..?' I look away for a moment overthinking every aspect of this interaction.

"You do know it's going to-"

"Rain soon?" I shouldn't have cut him off. He pauses, "...Yes." I fidget with the sleeve of my sweater. "Uh, well I do. I normally check the weather before leaving the house." The awkward silence of the street continues and I have already decided that I've had enough. As casually as I can I try to step around the boy, but he tenses up the moment I try to move. It's like he's ready to attack me at any moment. Like he expects me to fight him.

He looks up at the sky before looking back at me. "How far away is your house? The rain is sure to start soon and it wouldn't be good if you got caught in the rain." He asks.

Looking up at the sky and more specifically the dark clouds that loomed in the skies above. "What are you getting at?" I ask him. He holds his staff in front of him. "I'll accompany you home. I can create a barrier for us to walk safely." I stare at him looking for answers but only get the blank stare of his weirdly owl-like mask looking back at me. 'What would he get out of this? Why is he offering..?' My eyes return back to the darkened sky. 'It's gonna rain any minute and there's no way I'll make it home on foot. Why didn't I bring Saffron out today...'

"Uhm, sure if you have the time, my house is only around 5 minutes away."

The moment I agree a glowing red barrier materializes from his staff and floats above us. I stand there for a moment unsure of what to do next. He motions for me to start walking so I try my best to walk calmly.

The rain started soon after.

"What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Y/N. What's your name?"

"The Golden Guard."

"Professional, ok. Well, it's nice to meet you?" The sentence came out a lot more like a question than I meant. He continues looking forward as he speaks. "We've met before."

I'm a bit thrown off by the response. "Well yeah, but we weren't introduced to each other yet." He doesn't say anything back so I continue talking. "So, I heard that you became the head witch of the Emperor's Coven. Good for you?"

"Oh, yes I did." I can tell by the way he said it that he's proud of himself. Without thinking I felt myself smiling but that smile left quickly. "So you did know I've been promoted to the leader of the Emperors Coven and you still talked so casually to me?" I couldn't tell by the tone of his voice if he was upset by this or not.

"I thought that you probably didn't want me to because we're so similar in age..." I trail off with the reason because of how stupid it sounded. There is another moment of silence.

"Belos appointed me himself." He speaks in a way that shows how much he cares about this.

"He did?"

"Yeah! Belos said that he thinks I'm the most fit for the job!-" He pauses. "Although, I heard a few of the other coven leaders say that he only picked me because I'm his nephew but... I don't think that's true! He told me himself..."

Nephew...? NEPHEW???

"Wait. Wait. Wait. What?!"

He tenses up. "W-what?"

"You're related to the Emperor?!"



I wait for a second for another response but when it doesn't happen I open my mouth to continue but I'm cut off before I could get a word out. "Do you go to Hexside?" Ok, going straight to the next topic, It would be creepy that he knows that if it wasn't for the fact I'm still wearing my school uniform.

"Yes, I do."

"In your time at the school have you met a human girl there?"

"...Yeah I've seen her around."

"Do you know her personally?"

"Uh, no, I wouldn't say I do."

He hums and continues to the next subject. "What coven are your parents in? Are they in the same coven?"

"Oh, no they aren't in the same coven and it's just two of the main nine covens."

"And what coven do you plan to join?"

"I don't know, I haven't really decided that yet." Now I know why he offered to walk me home, so he could interrogate me and I couldn't run away!


A/n kinda short but it took me a surprising amount of time to make this... This is another chapter that was originally in the other story and I had to completely rewrite this except for like 5 lines of dialogue so yeah. The next chapters will come out Thursday!

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