☆Mini Heart attack☆

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A/n : There are probably quite a few mistakes in this chapter but I really just wanted to get this over with.


I get dressed out of yesterday's clothes, getting ready for the big day. I sit on the floor of my bedroom, putting on my socks. I go over the plan in my head as I breathe out a sigh. 'Today's the Day of Unity, there's no room to make mistakes.' I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Doors unlocked," I call out.

Hunter opens the door, already dressed and ready to leave. "Are you ready yet?"

"Just give me another minute," I respond.

"Willow and Gus are probably already waiting."

" Well, Luz isn't gonna be at the meeting spot for another 20 minutes, Willow and Gus can wait."

"Ok, I'm just saying," He sits down on the edge of my bed. There is a few moments of silence between us. Hunter breaks the silence with a question, a question that neither of us could possibly know the answer to. "What do you think will happen after today?"

Looking over at him I notice the very serious look on his face. I finish tying my shoelaces and walk over to the bed, sitting down next to him. "Well, if everything goes according to plan Belos will be defeated and we'll save the day, I guess."

"No, I mean after that."

"Oh. Well, I'm not sure, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"It feels weird not to have a plan for the future. In the Emperor's Coven, it seemed like everything was planned out, even if I didn't get to choose my future it gave me a sense of stability..."

"I think we all could use a bit more stability in our lives." I joke.

He pauses for a moment before speaking once more. "I'm not sure what the future has planned for- someone like me, but I think it'll turn out great if you're a part of it."

I feel myself blush at these words. I put my hand up to my face to both stifle a laugh and to cover my embarrassed face. His face becomes confused. "W-what did I say something wrong?" He self-consciously fidgets with his gloved hands.

"No, no! I'm sorry. That was very sweet but it did kinda sound romantic." I laugh.

His face turns red. "No! That- that's not what I meant!"


Yeah, so a little miscalculation, we were a little late to the meeting spot. Even with Hunter's amazing flying skills we didn't make it there before Luz. We land on the edge of the meeting spot so as to not interrupt the reunion. Luz, Willow and Gus were all embraced in a hug. "Of course, I want you around. I'm so happy. And confused." Luz pulls away from the hug. "I thought you were all hiding after what happened at Hexside."

Hunter walks over to them and I follow behind. "They were, but then they heard Darius ordered me to protect you."

"More like he begged us to come because he's terrified of getting recognized." Gus jokes.

"Hey Luz," I say, walking up beside them. "Y/N!" She comes over to me and gives me a hug. "Eda told me you were okay but King and I were still a little worried," Luz says with a sheepish smile. She then pulls away from the hug and turns to Hunter.

"And Hunter, are you really up for this? You must be dealing with a lot after learning–."

Hunter tenses up next to me as he cuts her off. "That Belos is evil?" He lets out a rather forced laugh. "Don't worry I'm A-OK." Hunter turns to Gus and they do that special handshake thing they were working on the other day.

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