☆The Curse☆

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A/n Once again I've taken a while to get around to writing this, sorry.

A feeling takes over my body as if to say "Hey! You're dreaming again!". But this dream felt a bit different. Like I've seen it before but don't really remember why I should. I feel this... looming sense of doom as if something is about to go wrong. This mix of anger, regret and disappointment.

I focus on my surroundings. I stand in a kitchen with my hands on the counter, a chef's knife in my right hand. In front of me are a mixed assortment of vegetables. My hands move on their own, slowly cutting the different plants. A door slams shut a distance away from me. I turn my head looking at an empty doorway waiting for something to occupy it. Hard footsteps walk down the hallway toward the kitchen. A man walks through the door with a hand over his face, mumbling something incoherent but not very nice sounding. I set the knife down and begin speaking, "Are you alright?"

The man jumped and turned to look at me. He quickly looks away, taking his bag off and setting it down on one of the wooden chairs. "What are you doing here?" The question was asked harshly and spoke without looking at me. I felt chills up my spine, that voice... It was so familiar, in a different way than anything else that I've seen in these dreams. My brain hurt trying to wrap it around this new feeling. Like always the dream continued.

I leaned against the counter. "I was asked if I could come over to help with dinner," I spoke slowly, confused by the man's aggression. He scoffs. "And where's the woman?" My eyebrows furrow, starting to get annoyed by him.

"She went to the market to pick up some meat for dinner."

"Why isn't she here cooking?"

"Because you can't cook if you don't have the food?"

He sighs and turns away from me, whispering something under his breath.


I woke up to my alarm screaming at me. A hit the off button and fall back into bed. I rub my eyes. 'Why did I have an alarm set again?'

"Oh SHIT!-" I sit up a little too fast. "-I totally forgot! Lilith is having that little celebration party about her new job at the owl house today." I get out of bed and start getting dressed for the day. Because Lilith went back home a while ago I haven't had the chance to talk to her. About what you may ask, well I wanted to know if she had any idea about these dreams I've been having. I didn't want to talk to my parents or Eda about they would probably worry too much. And Lilith was the next person I thought of who might be able to help with this thing. By the time I get to the owl house, everyone else had already gotten there and was about to do the cheers for Lilith.

I didn't think it was a good idea to talk about this during the party so I might just have to catch her before she leaves. Taking about Lilith where did she go? I look around the house for a moment when a loud noise could be heard from outside. I peek through the door and see Lilith and Luz talking.

"All I ever got to do was desk work while she goofed off riding wild snake horses and eating mummy jerky! Well, I can be just as exciting as Flora. I'll come up with an exhibit that will knock the Titan's socks off!"

I step out of the house. "What's happening?" I ask. "I don't know!" Lilith yells in fraustion and walks past me into the house.

"Congratulations on your new job!" Luz yells after her. I look at Luz in confusion about what just happened. She quickly explains what I walked into. I shake my head and follow Lilith into the kitchen.

"Uhm, Lilith?"

"Huh? Yes, what is it?" She keeps her gaze set on some paper sitting on the kitchen table.

"Uhh- can I talk to you about something?" She breaks her staring contest with the papers and looks at me. "Oh, I- Of course. Is something wrong?"

I take a deep breath and sit down at the table. Thinking back at the dream I had this morning sends a shiver up my spine. "Well, lately I've been having these weird dreams and I'm not sure what to do about them."

She asks me to explain a bit more and I try to explain in as much detail as I can.

Lilith stays quiet for a moment. "Have these dreams only just started recently?"

"No, I've had similar dreams most my life but recently they've gotten a lot more... clear, i guess and also a lot more frequent. At first they kinda just seemed like normal dreams but now they feel a bit more than that..."

"Most of your life?" She seemed surprised. I sink into the chair. " Is that a bad thing..?"

She pauses. "Well, as much as I don't want to even entertain the thought, it is quite similar to something I've read about." She trails off. "What? Is it something bad?"

"Not necessarily, but I have read about a... curse that has a very similar effect."

"A curse?"

"Yes... It's a type of curse that affects your bloodline causing your family to be cursed."

"So, you're saying that I could have been born cursed?"

"Well, yes, it is an explanation. Though you don't have any way of knowing that because..." Lilith trails off once again. "Because I'm adopted?" I question. "Yes. Because we don't know any of your living family members we have no way of asking them. Although there is another explanation for the curse. It could be a cursed item."

"Oh, so, like something I've come into contact with is cursed which made me cursed?"

She nods her head. "And that is the better of the two opinions because that means that if you can figure out what the item is you can get it exorcised of the curse, meaning you wouldn't be permanently cursed."

I nod. "That certainly would be a lot better."

"Lilith!" Luz runs into the kitchen. She pauses. "Oh, sorry are you two talking?"

"Yes, we were just-"

"Just about to finish up though." I interrupt Lilith. "And plus I should probably head home now, I've got some school stuff I need to work on."

"Oh ok, Y/N. See you at school on Monday!"


A/n I also have school stuff I need to work on... but this was more important 

Also with the owl house now being finished I went over how many chapters this story is probably going to need to be finished and it's like 28 chapters 🥲 I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do all that but I'm trying.

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