☆We're friends...right?☆

276 9 13

A/n: I'm currently so tired but I've somehow finished another part of this?? Be proud of me lol


Once we make it to the gym it looks like anyone is already here. Just as we get into the gym Principal Bump begins speaking.

"Uh, students, teachers let me introduce the esteemed–" Principal Bump is cut off by the random hooded man on stage.

"Please, Principal Bump, I deserve no accolades." The man walks forward to the front of the stage and pulls down his hood. I couldn't help but notice the worried looks of the teachers. "Hello, everyone. My name is Adrian Graye, Head witch of the Illusionist Coven."

The sound of gasps plays like the background noise of a TV show. I lean down to Gus. "He is? I don't think I've ever seen that guy before- No offence to illusionists."

"Unfortunately, I'm not here with good news. The Emperor's Coven has plans to stop multitrack studies by inducing every Hexside student into a coven before the Day of Unity."

More gasps ring out, which is a fair response.

The Principal quickly cuts in. "Don't worry. No one's magic is getting sealed away. Head Witch Graye supports us and has come to help."

One of the teachers pulls Edric on the stage. "Before any coven scouts come by, I'm going to make illusions of sigils on your wrist. They'll be temporary and harmless." Graye explains.

"Woah, woah, woah. Wait- I just started the other tracks. Are you sure this is safe?"

"Don't worry. Once a scout sees the fake sigil, they'll move on and you can continue your studies in peace." With Graye done talking Ed with an unsure look on his face he pulls up his sleeve. Graye grabs Ed's wrist, "Now hold still." he says. As he draws a spell circle everyone watches with anticipation.

I hear a gasp next to me. "Stop!" Everyone's eyes look at Gus. "Don't trust him! He's hiding behind an illusion!" He draws a large spell casting it towards the stage. And just like that a coven scout was standing on stage in place of the illusionist head. The staff on stage move in front of Ed. The staff and the coven scout get in a defensive position but that stops when a voice calls out.

"Cut! Just... Just cut." A frustrated voice says. Suddenly illusion spells fall as multiple coven scouts appear surrounding us. And finally, the illusionist head witch himself appears in the middle of the stage. "All right. Couple of notes. Tom, that Adrian illusion was lacking a certain... Hmm? You get me?" In confusion the coven scout shrugs their shoulders. Graye walks to the other side of the stage pointing at a different scout. "Severine, that was really poor work. You're on thin ice. Captain, the read of your last line was just a little..."

'What is up with this guy??'

Without warning he disappears into a cloud of smoke, then reappears behind Gus. I take a step back in surprise. Graye grabs Gus' arm. "And you... Well, you just ruined any chance we had of making this something."

"You were going to trick us into getting sigils!" Gus says, trying to break out of Graye's grasp. A scout walks up to Graye and puts a branding glove on his hand. "Uh, yeah. I work for Belos. Kind of my job. But let's make sure you can never use your little illusion tricks again. Shall we?" He says, the branding glove changing to show an abomination coven sigil. I gasp as the glove gets closer to Gus.

"No! No, stay back. I said stay back!"

All of a sudden the room gets covered in illusions. Everyone around me disappears. I look around frantically as the gym shifts and changes. Then someone grabs me by the arm. I whip my head to the side only to be face to face- or face to mask I should say- with a coven scout. In a panic, I draw a spell circle to defend myself. A vine shoots out of the ground and hits the scout in the face causing the scout to let go of my arm. I run in the opposite direction almost hitting face-first into the wall in the process. "Ow.." I put my hand on the wall and once I feel the gym doors I open them and run out of there.

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