☆Palismen Troubles☆

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A/n This chapter takes place during Season 2 Episode 6 Hunting Palismen. Also, a heads up that this chapter and the next one are basically the same as the other books just with a few altercations. Also also for anyone wondering why I'm posting so much this week I'm on March break from school rn so I've had a lot of free time.


"So... what's going on again?" I ask. Eda called me to the owl house saying it was an "Emergency" and now here I am standing at the front door, confused.

"Luz had a rough day at school and I want you to keep her company while we go get her a surprise," Eda says, King sitting on her shoulder like a parrot. "A surprise?" I question. "We're gonna go rob the gardening club!" King shouts.

"...I'm not sure how that's going to help Luz but okay."

"So you fine with staying here a bit?" I nod. She ruffles my hair. "Good! Let's go King, we have crimes to commit!" They walk past me and leave the house. "Bye! Don't get arrested." I shout after them. "Heyy Y/N!" I pause and slowly turn to the house demon. "Hi, Hooty."

"Are you here to visit me???"

"Nope, not today Hooty, I gotta go visit Luz. See ya!" I walk out of the room before he can ask more questions. I walk to Luz's room and peek my head in. Her face is pressed against the echo mouse's enclosure, mumbling something. I knock on the doorframe. She jumps back. "Oh, hey Y/N, I didn't know you were here." I lean against the door.

"Uhm, yeah just decided to stop by. How are you doing?"

"Oh... Well, you know how it-" Luz was cut off by the sound of a bird. A... small cardinal hops out of Luz's bag. Luz gasps.

"It's you! Did you come here for me?" Luz says in a hopeful tone. The small bird hops around the floors. It stops near my feet and tilts its head to look at me. I look at the cardinal for a second. It continues hopping around Luz's floor.

"Where have I seen you before..." I whisper.

Luz's mood deflates. "Nope, of course not.-" She scoops the bird in her hand. "Come on, little dude. I'll take you back to your nest." She uses her other hand and grabs her cloak. She walks to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, this little guy's nest is at Hexside."

She hands me the palisman and starts to put on her cloak. I hold the palisman awkwardly as if I would break it if I wasn't careful.

"OK, so why did you have a pailsmen in your bag?" I ask.

"Well, it's a long story."

"Alright, you can explain on the ride to school."


We arrive at the grudgby field at Hexside. We both hop off of Saffron and she unstaffs. I don't even know if we are allowed to be here at this time. We walk up to the palisman nest surrounded by a spell. Luz puts her hand against the spell.

"How do we get through this?" I look at the spell. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the palisman jump from Luz's hand.

"Uh, well if-" The bird lightly runs its head into the spell barrier and broke it.

"Ooh, palisman powers! Neat." Luz squats down and opens the door to the nest, alerting all the sleeping palisman.

"Hmm." She sits next to the open door.

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