☆The Human Realm☆

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A/n kinda short but I just wanted to finish it because I have some fun things planned for the next few chapters :) Also this is chapter 19 of this story! I can't believe I've been working on it this long.


The next few hours of my life were a complete blur. It felt like too much happened too fast, probably because that's what happened. The Day of Unity was pure chaos. And then before I knew it I experienced rain for the first time. When Luz first told me that people in the human realm associate rain with all these negative emotions I was really confused, I mean, getting a little wet sounds way better than acid burns.

But as I was sitting there, rain pouring down upon me after what was maybe the worst day of my life being grateful it wasn't acid rain was not on my mind. The rain in the human realm is cold. Much colder than I expected.

I shiver just thinking about the terrible weather. We all sit around the kitchen table, going back and forth, trying to explain everything to Luz's mom. "OK, so in the Demon Realm, you fought the evil Emperor Belos who turned into a monster-" Camila tries to recap everything.

"Well, he started out human," Gus states.

"-Right. But he was defeated by a newer smaller bad guy..?"

"The collector. We don't know what he is or who Belos found him." Willow explains.

"Who knows if we'll ever figure that out.-" Luz speaks a little too loudly before calming down and continuing. "But they're creating a lot of chaos."

"We need to do whatever it takes to get back," Amity says.

Camila sets down her cup and with a smile says, "And you will, but for now you should all rest, you're safe here."


I lay on my sleeping bag staring up at the ceiling. I can't sleep. It's been a couple of hours since Camila gave Hunter, Gus and me some blankets and told us to get some rest but I just can't. I mean hell, Hunter fell asleep before me. I slowly sit up and decide that there is no use in just lying there. Maybe something to drink will help. 

I get up as quietly as I can, I go up the stairs and stumble my way back into the kitchen. I flick on the lights and basically flashbang myself. Once my eyes adjust to the light I realize that I don't know what to drink. I haven't tried a lot of human stuff and I also don't know if Camila would be upset if I did drink something. I stand in the door frame contemplating just going back to bed. I hear a creak in the floorboards and turn towards the sound. 

"Are you alright?"

"Oh! Camila, uh sorry-" I panic as if I had been caught doing something I shouldn't have.

"I have nothing to apologize for. Is something wrong?" Camila asks. 

"I just couldn't fall asleep and I'm kinda thirsty..."

She hums and walks past me into the kitchen. "Do you want some juice?"

"I- uh sure?" I sit down at the table as she pours me a cup of juice. She hands it to me and sits down as well. It's silent for a moment, almost unbearably so but the silence is broken by Camila.

"You know, when I learned Luz didn't go to that summer camp and went to some other realm I was really scared for her.  I was worried about her safety but she told me about all these people she has met and all her friends and I'm just glad she had all of you to help her out."

A smile makes its way to my face. "Honestly, I think it's more the other way around. Luz has helped so many people. I think my life would have been a lot more dull without her."


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