New Recruits!

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[3rd Person POV]

The next day

After the 68th Annual Prefectural Volleyball, the Karasuno players are just done with their training at their gymnasium.

As they were training, it felt like someone is missing.

It's Asahi, he is not seen today in training. Nishinoya was looking for him the entire time.

"Where the hell is Asahi-san?!" Nishinoya exclaimed.

(Y/N) became sad as remembered what Asahi said to him hours before practice.


(Y/N) and Tanaka are seen together in class. They are chatting about what went wrong with yesterday's match against Date Tech.

"Asahi-san really blamed himself for yesterday..." Tanaka stated.

"Yeah...I'll try to talk to him later before practice." (Y/N) replied.

The two of them hear the classroom door knocking, the two then turns around to see who is knocking. Once the door is opened, they saw Asahi Azumane.

"Asahi-san?!" Tanaka was surprised.

Both of the first-years were surprised, Asahi then said.

"I'd like to speak with you, (Y/N), privately." Asahi stated.

"M-Me?" (Y/N) is even more surprised.

Asahi nodded, he then walks away from the door, expecting (Y/N) to come outside.

(Y/N) stood up and walks towards the door and went outside. He then closes the door and faces Asahi.

"What happened, Asahi?" He asks the Ace.

"I'll go straight to the point, (Y/N)." Asahi replied.

Asahi then inhaled and then exhaled before he brings the news to (Y/N).

"I'm retiring on playing on playing volleyball."

(Y/N) widens his eyes as he couldn't believe what Asahi just said right now.

"You're joking...right?" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"No, I'm not."


"I am bringing the team down..." Asahi stated.

"You're quitting on us just because of one game?!"

Asahi sighs, he then said to him. "You are more impressive and produce better results than me."

"Don't be ridiculous, Asahi! You can't just quit on us-

"(Y/N), you are now the Ace of this team." Asahi puts his palm on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Do not let this team down as I did." Asahi said with a forced smile.


"I've already talked to Daichi and Suga to let them know you're the Ace now." Asahi said with a bit of sadness in his tone.

Back to the present

"I'll go talk to Asahi-San tomorrow!" Nishinoya stated.

"You can try...but I don't think you won't be able to change his mind soon..." (Y/N) said with a sigh.

"About what?" Nishinoya asks him.

"Oh, you didn't know?" (Y/N) was surprised.

"Tell me everything!" Nishinoya exclaimed.

The Libero didn't know Asahi has quit playing volleyball.

The next day

Nishinoya and Inori are walking together in the hall.

The Ace of Karasuno (Kiyoko Shimizu x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now